
What the Left Can Learn from Losing in Texas

What the Left Can Learn from Losing in Texas What the Left Can Learn from Losing in Texas

Progressive insurgents lost to establishment picks in Texas’s runoffs. What does this tell us?

May 23, 2018 / D.D. Guttenplan

Stacey Abrams Makes History

Stacey Abrams Makes History Stacey Abrams Makes History

Meanwhile, it’s yet another good night for women in Democratic primaries across the country.

May 23, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Stacey Abrams Georgia governor's race

The Revolutionary Implications of Stacey Abrams’s Victory The Revolutionary Implications of Stacey Abrams’s Victory

Her campaign bet on expanding the electorate, especially people of color and progressive whites. They won big.

May 22, 2018 / Steve Phillips

Michael Cohen

Democrats’ New Midterm Approach: It’s the Corruption, Stupid Democrats’ New Midterm Approach: It’s the Corruption, Stupid

A new strategy attacks both Trump’s economic heists and the influence peddlers swarming the White House.

May 22, 2018 / David Dayen

Medicare for All crowd

The Democratic Wave Won’t Crest Without Progressive Insurgents The Democratic Wave Won’t Crest Without Progressive Insurgents

The progressive base of the Democratic Party is revolting against the centrist, big-money politics that have proved so ruinous.

May 22, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump walking east room

Why Are So Many Democrats Afraid of Impeachment? Why Are So Many Democrats Afraid of Impeachment?

Party leaders need to make clear that impeachment is always valid when there is evidence of presidential wrongdoing, cover-ups, and corruption of justice.

May 21, 2018 / John Nichols

Net Neutrality Protest

Net Neutrality Just Became a Major Campaign Issue for 2018 and Beyond Net Neutrality Just Became a Major Campaign Issue for 2018 and Beyond

A bipartisan vote in favor of digital democracy in the Senate signals that the fight for a free and open Internet is far from finished.

May 17, 2018 / John Nichols

Paulette Jordan Idaho

Paulette Jordan Is the New Face of Rural Politics in America Paulette Jordan Is the New Face of Rural Politics in America

A Native American woman was just nominated for governor of Idaho—winning big with a message that Democrats must reach out to rural and small-town voters.

May 16, 2018 / John Nichols

Kara Eastman

More Democratic-Primary Results Confirm That the Resistance Is Real—and Real Female More Democratic-Primary Results Confirm That the Resistance Is Real—and Real Female

It was another great night for progressives and women—and especially women progressives.

May 16, 2018 / Joan Walsh

ICE arrest

Trump’s Brutal Policies Target the Most Vulnerable Americans Trump’s Brutal Policies Target the Most Vulnerable Americans

The administration is using the pretense of fiscal responsibility to slash programs for the poor and people of color.

May 15, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
