Criminal Justice

Howard Dean on Healthcare Ruling: ‘The President Won’ Howard Dean on Healthcare Ruling: ‘The President Won’

"It’s going to be hard for conservatives to say that John Roberts condoned a socialist plan,” Howard Dean tells The Nation.

Jun 28, 2012 / Blog / Ari Berman

Outside the Court, GOP Revs Up Base While Progressives Cheer Outside the Court, GOP Revs Up Base While Progressives Cheer

Republicans will push for a full repeal of the law, while many Democrats are promising to add even more to it. 

Jun 28, 2012 / Blog / George Zornick

Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Healthcare Law Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Healthcare Law

The Court issued the biggest ruling of its term on Thursday.

Jun 28, 2012 / Blog / Ari Melber

On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0

On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0 On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0

Contrary to many claims, the Supreme Court did not uphold the “show me your papers” provision of SB-1070—the decision is a near-complete victory for immigrants&rs...

Jun 27, 2012 / Editorial / David Cole

Margaret Flowers: Obamacare Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Margaret Flowers: Obamacare Doesn’t Go Far Enough Margaret Flowers: Obamacare Doesn’t Go Far Enough

We need universal healthcare now, Flowers argues.

Jun 27, 2012 / Video / Francis Reynolds

The Supreme Court Gives (Some) Juvenile Lifers a Second Chance

The Supreme Court Gives (Some) Juvenile Lifers a Second Chance The Supreme Court Gives (Some) Juvenile Lifers a Second Chance

Why did the Court limit its ruling to cases with mandatory sentences, instead of banning juvenile life without parole altogether?

Jun 26, 2012 / Blog / Liliana Segura

Media Quiz: Is the Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona’s Immigration Law a Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Media Quiz: Is the Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona’s Immigration Law a Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

It depends on which cable news channel you glanced at this morning. 

Jun 25, 2012 / Blog / Leslie Savan

Detención y cacheo: Una práctica indignante Detención y cacheo: Una práctica indignante

Las causas de Nueva York y Filadelfia son un llamado de atención a la policía y a las cortes para que hagan realidad la promesa de igual protección ante la ley para todos.

Jun 25, 2012 / En español / David Cole

Anti-Immigrant Forces Lose Big in Supreme Court

Anti-Immigrant Forces Lose Big in Supreme Court Anti-Immigrant Forces Lose Big in Supreme Court

The Court gave the Obama administration near-total victory, striking down key parts of Arizona’s immigration law.

Jun 25, 2012 / Blog / David Cole

Can Street Violence Be Fought Like a Virus? Can Street Violence Be Fought Like a Virus?

CeaseFire Chicago, pioneered by an infectious disease expert, has been heralded as an unprecedented success. Will a summer spike in homicides threaten the program in other cities w...

Jun 21, 2012 / Jeff Deeney
