The Right

Putin on TV

Cold War Hysteria vs. US National Security Cold War Hysteria vs. US National Security

Allegations that Putin “stole” the election for Trump further prevent the urgent discussion needed to cope with grave new Cold War dangers.

Dec 15, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump and Obama meet

Chris Hayes: How We Got From Obama to Trump Chris Hayes: How We Got From Obama to Trump

Plus: Joan Walsh on fighting Trump’s nominees, and Andrew Bacevich on Trump’s generals.

Dec 15, 2016 / Audio / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Hunter S. Thompson

This Political Theorist Predicted the Rise of Trumpism. His Name Was Hunter S. Thompson. This Political Theorist Predicted the Rise of Trumpism. His Name Was Hunter S. Thompson.

In Hell’s Angels, the gonzo journalist wrote about left-behind people motivated only by “an ethic of total retaliation.” Sound familiar?

Dec 15, 2016 / Feature / Susan McWilliams

John Bolton

John Bolton’s Cozy Relationship With Anti-Muslim Hate Groups Should Disqualify Him From Public Service John Bolton’s Cozy Relationship With Anti-Muslim Hate Groups Should Disqualify Him From Public Service

Trump’s likely nominee for deputy secretary of state has a long history of making enemies on both sides of the aisle—and of vouching for Islamophobic propagandists.

Dec 14, 2016 / Blog / Eli Clifton

Swamp-Draining 101: Don’t Appoint Swamp Rats

Swamp-Draining 101: Don’t Appoint Swamp Rats Swamp-Draining 101: Don’t Appoint Swamp Rats

If Steven Mnuchin, Betsy DeVos and Steve Bannon are who we are counting on to drain the swamp, I would put my money on the mosquitoes.

Dec 14, 2016 / Video / Brave New Films and Robert Greenwald

What Happens When Zika Hits the Country With the World’s Strictest Abortion Laws?

What Happens When Zika Hits the Country With the World’s Strictest Abortion Laws? What Happens When Zika Hits the Country With the World’s Strictest Abortion Laws?

Abortion is illegal in El Salvador—even in the midst of a public health crisis. But some feminists and doctors are fighting back.

Dec 14, 2016 / Madeleine Schwartz

Trump in China

Washington’s Plans for Asia Just Hit a Roadblock—Trump Washington’s Plans for Asia Just Hit a Roadblock—Trump

The president-elect could easily unravel decades of carefully laid plans for an American-dominated Pacific.

Dec 13, 2016 / Tim Shorrock

Harvard University

Trumpism Poses the Most Dire Threat to Academic Freedom in Recent Memory Trumpism Poses the Most Dire Threat to Academic Freedom in Recent Memory

A shadowy new Professor Watchlist has revived the McCarthyite hysteria of the 1950s. We must fight back.

Dec 13, 2016 / Blog / Erik Loomis

Minimum Wage Rally

How to Mount a Progressive Resistance How to Mount a Progressive Resistance

Opposition to Trump will come—not only in the streets but also from leaders in states and cities who are intent on making America better.

Dec 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Mitch McConnell Russia Hacking

The Craven Power Politics of Mitch McConnell The Craven Power Politics of Mitch McConnell

He blocked a bipartisan statement on Russian hacking before the election, but now belatedly joins senators asking for a probe.

Dec 12, 2016 / Joan Walsh
