Campaign Finance

The Peculiar Politics of Karl Rove’s ‘Outrage’ Over the IRS Flap

The Peculiar Politics of Karl Rove’s ‘Outrage’ Over the IRS Flap The Peculiar Politics of Karl Rove’s ‘Outrage’ Over the IRS Flap

Karl Rove was at war with grassroots conservatives a few months ago. Now he’s defending them. Why?

May 17, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

Mad About the IRS Mess? Blame Congress

Mad About the IRS Mess? Blame Congress Mad About the IRS Mess? Blame Congress

It’s absurd to expect agency auditors to sort out confusing, outdated campaign finance laws and regulations.

May 15, 2013 / Editorial / The Editors

IRS Fallout: The Real Scandal Is Secret Money Influencing US Elections

IRS Fallout: The Real Scandal Is Secret Money Influencing US Elections IRS Fallout: The Real Scandal Is Secret Money Influencing US Elections

The story Washington should be talking about is how the Citizens United decision unleashed a flood of secret spending in US elections.

May 14, 2013 / Blog / Ari Berman

As Maine Goes… a Bipartisan Call to Overturn ‘Citizens United’

As Maine Goes… a Bipartisan Call to Overturn ‘Citizens United’ As Maine Goes… a Bipartisan Call to Overturn ‘Citizens United’

Thirty Republican legislators join Democrats and independents to demand a constitutional amendment.

May 1, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

Remembering Bob Edgar [VIDEO]

Remembering Bob Edgar [VIDEO] Remembering Bob Edgar [VIDEO]

Common Cause CEO Bob Edgar died last week. As New Yorkers, among others, push forward on bills to change campaign financing, it's worth remembering his words.

Apr 29, 2013 / Blog / Laura Flanders

Why Mandate Disclosure? Because Corporations Lie on Voluntary Political Transparency

Why Mandate Disclosure? Because Corporations Lie on Voluntary Political Transparency Why Mandate Disclosure? Because Corporations Lie on Voluntary Political Transparency

The SEC is considering rules for political disclosure—and a voluntary regime simply isn’t enough. 

Mar 29, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Cuomo vs. Cuomo Cuomo vs. Cuomo

Can he make New York the “progressive capital of the nation”—by empowering Republicans?

Mar 20, 2013 / Feature / Eric Alterman

Why Are Democrats So Defeatist?

Why Are Democrats So Defeatist? Why Are Democrats So Defeatist?

It’s because they are so beholden to their big-money contributors that they can’t fight the GOP even on issues that they know have overwhelming public support.

Mar 6, 2013 / Editorial / Ralph Nader

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US? If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

Swiss voters just empowered shareholders to restrict and restrain corporate abuses. The US should follow their lead, especially when it comes to corporate influence on campaigns.&n...

Mar 4, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

To Beat Austerity, Obama Must Campaign for Democracy

To Beat Austerity, Obama Must Campaign for Democracy To Beat Austerity, Obama Must Campaign for Democracy

How committed is the president to kicking big money out of politics?

Feb 26, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols
