
Going Beyond Inclusion in Independent Media

Going Beyond Inclusion in Independent Media Going Beyond Inclusion in Independent Media

A conversation with journalists Laura Flanders, Sara Lomax-Reese, and S. Mitra Kalita about the future of Black and brown media organizations.

May 13, 2022 / S. Mitra Kalita, Sara Lomax-Reese, Laura Flanders, Lizzy Ratner, and D.D. Guttenplan

Ice Scream

Ice Scream Ice Scream

Melting poles, sounding the alarm.

May 13, 2022 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

Midge Decter speaking a lectern

Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach

The obituaries for the founding mother of neoconservatism fail to give a sense of how vile her opinions really were.

May 13, 2022 / Jeet Heer

So You Want to Reduce Crime?

So You Want to Reduce Crime? So You Want to Reduce Crime?

What kinds of investments have been proven to lower crime rates? (Hint: It’s not directing endless money to the police.)

May 13, 2022 / Editorial / Bryce Covert

Jeff Bezos holds a handkerchief to his face.

Don’t Boycott Amazon Don’t Boycott Amazon

They’re too big to be hurt by individual consumer choice. Instead, hit them where it really hurts.

May 13, 2022 / Back Talk / Alexis Grenell

Ohio Voting Midterm Primary

At the Ballot Box and Beyond in Cincinnati At the Ballot Box and Beyond in Cincinnati

While interest in electoral politics may be low among young people, many on the left are still fighting for change through other means.

May 12, 2022 / StudentNation / Zurie Pope

Congress Leaves Those Most Endangered by Covid in the Lurch

Congress Leaves Those Most Endangered by Covid in the Lurch Congress Leaves Those Most Endangered by Covid in the Lurch

The pandemic’s profoundly unequal toll has been made much worse by congressional inaction.

May 11, 2022 / Benjy Renton, Oni Blackstock, and Julia Raifman

Protest outside Justice Kavanaugh's home

F*&k Civility! F*&k Civility!

Democrats better get more comfortable with peaceful protest—even at justices’ homes—if we want to get our rights back from a dangerous minority.

May 10, 2022 / Joan Walsh

People in suits and masks holding head shots of students raise their fists.

Lies, Murders, and a Cover-Up: The Ayotzinapa Report Sheds Light on the Mexican Military’s Role Lies, Murders, and a Cover-Up: The Ayotzinapa Report Sheds Light on the Mexican Military’s Role

An independent investigation proves that the Mexican Marines staged the alleged crime scene.

May 10, 2022 / Andalusia K. Soloff

President Biden claps during a speech in Cincinnati

Are Joe Biden, Democrats, Ready to Fight in a Post-“Roe” World? Are Joe Biden, Democrats, Ready to Fight in a Post-“Roe” World?

Reproductive freedom could give Democrats an edge if the party leadership weren’t so cowardly.

May 10, 2022 / Jeet Heer
