Ukraine Crisis


Trump’s Biggest Scandal Might Tear the Democrats Apart Trump’s Biggest Scandal Might Tear the Democrats Apart

Until the Democrats have a real leader, they can’t unite against Trump, no matter what he does.

Sep 23, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Volodymyr Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Landslide Victory in Ukraine May Become a Slippery Slope Volodymyr Zelensky’s Landslide Victory in Ukraine May Become a Slippery Slope

The new president must heal enormous social distrust if he doesn’t want to go the way of the previous administration.

Jul 25, 2019 / Nicolai N. Petro

Ukrainian flag

Peace in Ukraine? Peace in Ukraine?

The friends and foes of a Kiev-Moscow settlement.

Jul 24, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

Poroshenko Marshall Law

Ukraine’s Pinochet Scenario Ukraine’s Pinochet Scenario

Did President Poroshenko use a clash with Russia to try to shut down internal opposition?

Nov 28, 2018 / Nicolai N. Petro

Trump and Putin Football

The Trump-Putin Summit: From Rivals to Confederates? The Trump-Putin Summit: From Rivals to Confederates?

We may be seeing the centralization of world power in the hands of two nuclear-armed megalomaniacs.

Jul 17, 2018 / Michael T. Klare

March in Kiev

America’s Collusion With Neo-Nazis America’s Collusion With Neo-Nazis

Neo-fascists play an important official or tolerated role in US-backed Ukraine.

May 2, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Lincoln Chafee

Why Won’t Lincoln Chafee Support Robert Mueller? Why Won’t Lincoln Chafee Support Robert Mueller?

The Democrats, with some GOP support, are backing legislation to protect his investigation—but Chafee says Mueller is “wasting money.”

May 2, 2018 / Bob Dreyfuss

Michael Cohen

What the FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Means for the Russia Investigation What the FBI Raid on Michael Cohen Means for the Russia Investigation

It’s not just about payoffs to a porn star and a Playboy bunny.

Apr 19, 2018 / Bob Dreyfuss

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russia Endorses Putin as a Trusted Leader While Washington and London Condemn Him (Again) Russia Endorses Putin as a Trusted Leader While Washington and London Condemn Him (Again)

Some reflections on the Russian presidential election and on the Sergei Skripal case.

Mar 22, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

devin nunes

Russiagate or Intelgate? Russiagate or Intelgate?

The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a “Russiagate” without Russia but also something darker: The “co...

Feb 7, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen
