Ted Cruz

What Ted Cruz Doesn’t Know About Ronald Reagan

What Ted Cruz Doesn’t Know About Ronald Reagan What Ted Cruz Doesn’t Know About Ronald Reagan

Reagan was a liberal Democrat who decried wrongheaded Republicans before he became the conservative hero of wrongheaded Republicans.

Jan 25, 2016 / John Nichols

Why I’m Rooting for Ted Cruz to Win Iowa and New Hampshire

Why I’m Rooting for Ted Cruz to Win Iowa and New Hampshire Why I’m Rooting for Ted Cruz to Win Iowa and New Hampshire

Trump has warmth and humor, and can at least mimic the sound of empathy.

Jan 22, 2016 / Leslie Savan

(AP Photo / Sean Rayford)

Ted Cruz Is Smart, Disciplined, and Has a Strategy to Win Ted Cruz Is Smart, Disciplined, and Has a Strategy to Win

Time to worry.

Jan 22, 2016 / George Zornick

GOP Debate SC

This Republican Debate Was Nasty, Brutish and Long This Republican Debate Was Nasty, Brutish and Long

The Republican debates are going from bad to worse—by design.

Jan 15, 2016 / John Nichols

Ted Cruz’s Poll Numbers Rose After He Proposed Carpet Bombing

Ted Cruz’s Poll Numbers Rose After He Proposed Carpet Bombing Ted Cruz’s Poll Numbers Rose After He Proposed Carpet Bombing

How do we explain Americans’ lack of empathy for those on the other end of our bombing campaigns?

Jan 11, 2016 / Dispatch / Rick Shenkman

Las Vegas GOP debate

American Presidential Candidates Are Now Openly Promising to Commit War Crimes American Presidential Candidates Are Now Openly Promising to Commit War Crimes

Would Donald Trump approve waterboarding? “You bet your ass” he would.

Jan 7, 2016 / Rebecca Gordon

Tom Tomorrow toon

Welcome to the Quantum Republican Universe Welcome to the Quantum Republican Universe

In this strange domain, the traditional laws of cause and effect no longer apply!

Dec 15, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Donald Trump

It Is Time for Responsible Republicans to Say They Won’t Back a Trump-Led GOP It Is Time for Responsible Republicans to Say They Won’t Back a Trump-Led GOP

It is not enough to criticize Trump. His rivals and party leaders must make it clear that he does not, and will not, have their backing.

Dec 8, 2015 / John Nichols

Sorry, Ted Cruz: Women Don’t Want Your ‘Rubbers’

Sorry, Ted Cruz: Women Don’t Want Your ‘Rubbers’ Sorry, Ted Cruz: Women Don’t Want Your ‘Rubbers’

Trying to combat the notion of a GOP “war on women,” Cruz explains the backwards thinking that’s behind it.

Dec 2, 2015 / Joan Walsh

GOP Colorado debate

Let the GOP Hunger Games Begin Let the GOP Hunger Games Begin

The six top Republican candidates take economic policy into the wilderness.

Nov 30, 2015 / Nomi Prins
