Loath as I Am to Agree With Marjorie Taylor Greene… Loath as I Am to Agree With Marjorie Taylor Greene…
How the effort to bank TikTok is a fascinating case study in transpartisan politics.
Mar 28, 2024 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Hauntings of the Korean War: On the 70th Anniversary of the Armistice The Hauntings of the Korean War: On the 70th Anniversary of the Armistice
North and South Korea have been in a state of permanent war for decades, and the psychic toll stretches across oceans and generations.
Jul 26, 2023 / Grace M. Cho

How American Exceptionalism Fueled Global Authoritarian Nationalism How American Exceptionalism Fueled Global Authoritarian Nationalism
Even as the West unites against the Russia that Putin built, it finds itself fighting homegrown variants of authoritarian exceptionalism, from Trump to Orbán.
Sep 23, 2022 / John Feffer

The Unknown Oligarch Fighting for an Endless Korean War The Unknown Oligarch Fighting for an Endless Korean War
Follow the money fomenting conflict on the Korean Peninsula, and all roads lead to Honolulu.
Mar 8, 2022 / Feature / Eli Clifton

Biden Is Adopting a Militaristic Approach to the Far East Biden Is Adopting a Militaristic Approach to the Far East
Appointees from the hawkish think-tank world indicate the potential for renewed tensions with North Korea as well as a Cold War with China.
Feb 15, 2021 / Tim Shorrock

Trump’s Dilemma: Who Will Give Him Asylum Now? Trump’s Dilemma: Who Will Give Him Asylum Now?
The best candidate, by far, is Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, the despotic ruler of North Korea.
Dec 8, 2020 / Ariel Dorfman

Biden Signals Flexibility on North Korea, but Peace Groups Are Wary Biden Signals Flexibility on North Korea, but Peace Groups Are Wary
Koreans fear a return to Obama’s failed “strategic patience” policy.
Nov 16, 2020 / Tim Shorrock

An October Surprise of a Military Kind An October Surprise of a Military Kind
When all else fails, start a war.
Oct 12, 2020 / Michael T. Klare

A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Climate Apocalypse A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Climate Apocalypse
It’s not complicated—four more years of Trump will consign us to a hell on Earth of a sort still only faintly imaginable today.
Sep 23, 2020 / Tom Engelhardt

‘We Need to Move From a Wartime Mentality to a Peacetime Mentality’ ‘We Need to Move From a Wartime Mentality to a Peacetime Mentality’
US and Korean groups are pushing for a peace treaty to finally end the Korean War.
Jul 31, 2020 / Tim Shorrock