Military-industrial complex

North Korea Missile

The Pentagon’s Irresponsible Spending Is Now Dangerous The Pentagon’s Irresponsible Spending Is Now Dangerous

The Department of Defense commits staggering numbers of taxpayer dollars to new weapons programs without doing its due diligence, all too often resulting in dysfunctional syst...

Feb 16, 2023 / Julia Gledhill and William D. Hartung

Why People Don’t Even Trust the Super Bowl

Why People Don’t Even Trust the Super Bowl Why People Don’t Even Trust the Super Bowl

It’s unsurprising that a game wrapped in lies produces a result that many cannot accept.

Feb 13, 2023 / Dave Zirin

US special forces group conducting weapons training

War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves

Isn’t it time to hold Congress truly responsible for enabling ever more war by voting out military sycophants?

Feb 2, 2023 / William Astore

Senator Rand Paul

Rand Paul Is Right About the Need to Cut Pentagon Spending Rand Paul Is Right About the Need to Cut Pentagon Spending

The Republican’s willingness to address the issue, as part of the debt debate, is important, even if some of his other “fixes” are problematic.

Jan 30, 2023 / John Nichols

A view of Building 10 on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Pentagon’s Quest for Academic Intelligence: (AI) The Pentagon’s Quest for Academic Intelligence: (AI)

Remilitarizing the university.

Jan 30, 2023 / Michael T. Klare

Biden delivers remarks on status of Afghanistan evacuation.

Biden’s Foreign Policy at 2 Biden’s Foreign Policy at 2

Is America back?

Jan 24, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times? Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

“No justice, no peace” is more than a slogan. It’s a precondition for achieving a more peaceful life in this country.  

Jan 23, 2023 / Nan Levinson

An unarmed Trident II D5 missile is test-launched

Who Benefits Most From a Bloated Pentagon Budget? The Weapons Industry. Who Benefits Most From a Bloated Pentagon Budget? The Weapons Industry.

The Pentagon’s long-awaited National Defense Strategy, released late last year, is an object lesson in how not to make choices among competing priorities. 

Jan 20, 2023 / William D. Hartung

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

Constant warfare and preparations for more of it overseas have led only to costly defeats, and the budget just keeps getting bigger.

Jan 19, 2023 / William Astore

B-52 releases MOP

Defense Contractors Are Escorting Us Down the Path to Armageddon Defense Contractors Are Escorting Us Down the Path to Armageddon

It’s hard to think of a system more filthy or rotten than one that threatens to destroy most life on our planet, so that this country could in some fashion “win” World War III.

Dec 19, 2022 / William Astore
