Jean-Marie Le Pen

Founder of the far-right National Front party Jean-Marie Le Pen points his finger as he poses during a photo session at his home in Saint-Cloud on January 14, 2021.

The Toxic Legacy of Jean-Marie Le Pen The Toxic Legacy of Jean-Marie Le Pen

The elder Le Pen is dead, but far-right populists across the world still echo his mix of violent rhetoric, brazen lies, and outreach to mainstream conservatives.

Jan 8, 2025 / Obituary / David A. Bell

France’s National Front Is Dead, but Its Politics Are Alive and Well

France’s National Front Is Dead, but Its Politics Are Alive and Well France’s National Front Is Dead, but Its Politics Are Alive and Well

Despite the failure of Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid, the party’s virulent anti-Muslim message has found a growing audience.

Jun 20, 2018 / Cécile Alduy

Bannon France Visit

Is Steve Bannon Trump’s Link to Putin and the European Far Right? Is Steve Bannon Trump’s Link to Putin and the European Far Right?

The ultra-right populism of the president’s former top adviser is in sync with Euro-Russian reaction.

Mar 19, 2018 / Bob Dreyfuss

Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Lyon, the Capital of a Europe in Crisis Lyon, the Capital of a Europe in Crisis

Last weekend, the three movements now redefining French politics converged in this regional hub.

Feb 10, 2017 / Harrison Stetler

Fascist Trump

How to Fight a Fascist and Win How to Fight a Fascist and Win

Beating Donald Trump at the polls will be a necessary, but wholly insufficient step.

Jun 6, 2016 / Column / Gary Younge

Theater of the Absurd

Theater of the Absurd Theater of the Absurd

In the wake of the Paris attacks, moral idiots play their predictable roles.

Jan 14, 2015 / Column / Eric Alterman

Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National

Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National

The sad irony of terrorism is that it sparks a backlash against the very groups it seeks to champion.

Jan 14, 2015 / Column / Gary Younge

How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’

How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’ How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’

For the first time in recorded history, the ultra-right-wing National Front came first in a national election.

May 28, 2014 / Cécile Alduy

In the Heart of Le Pen Country In the Heart of Le Pen Country

Marseilles, France

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
