Donald Trump

Trump supporters in Iowa

Goodbye, Middle Class—Hello, Donald Trump? Goodbye, Middle Class—Hello, Donald Trump?

A study finding a drop in the percentage of Americans in the middle class has political elites anxious.

Dec 14, 2015 / Joan Walsh

The Discourse Suffers When Trump Gets 23 Times As Much Coverage as Sanders

The Discourse Suffers When Trump Gets 23 Times As Much Coverage as Sanders The Discourse Suffers When Trump Gets 23 Times As Much Coverage as Sanders

All Trump all the time media coverage lets Trump define the discussion. It denies voters a broader, better discourse.

Dec 14, 2015 / John Nichols

Immigrant Children

The Number of Child Migrants Arriving on the US’s Doorstep Has Doubled Since Last Year The Number of Child Migrants Arriving on the US’s Doorstep Has Doubled Since Last Year

The renewed arrivals revive a heated political debate about just how much the US ought to accommodate children and families who are escaping deadly conditions in Central America.

Dec 14, 2015 / Julianne Hing

Former ICE detainees and hunger strikers rally outside Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

For These Refugees, Trump’s Threats Are Already a Reality For These Refugees, Trump’s Threats Are Already a Reality

For one group of Bangladeshi asylum seekers, the threat of “banning Muslims” is far from hypothetical.

Dec 11, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Paul Ryan

Cowardly and Inept Republican Elites Play Into Trump’s Hands Cowardly and Inept Republican Elites Play Into Trump’s Hands

Impossible dreams of a brokered convention won’t stop Trump. He has to be confronted directly by Republicans who say they will not back him.

Dec 11, 2015 / John Nichols

Paul Ryan

How Paul Ryan Aids and Abets Donald Trump How Paul Ryan Aids and Abets Donald Trump

So what if Ryan disagrees with Trump on some issues? What matters is Ryan's commitment to back Trump if he’s nominated.

Dec 9, 2015 / John Nichols

Donald Trump

Trump Wins Even If ‘Time’ Magazine Doesn’t Name Him Its ‘Person of the Year’ Trump Wins Even If ‘Time’ Magazine Doesn’t Name Him Its ‘Person of the Year’

The Person of the Year will be announced on Wednesday—and this year it really matters.

Dec 8, 2015 / Leslie Savan

The Truth About American Muslims

The Truth About American Muslims The Truth About American Muslims

People like Donald Trump are engaging in the kind of reckless demagoguery that only encourages discrimination and violence against our Muslim neighbors.

Dec 8, 2015 / Joshua Holland

Donald Trump’s Bottomless Bottom

Donald Trump’s Bottomless Bottom Donald Trump’s Bottomless Bottom

The GOP front-runner is tapping into a brutal xenophobia that’s at once un-American and uniquely American.

Dec 8, 2015 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump

It Is Time for Responsible Republicans to Say They Won’t Back a Trump-Led GOP It Is Time for Responsible Republicans to Say They Won’t Back a Trump-Led GOP

It is not enough to criticize Trump. His rivals and party leaders must make it clear that he does not, and will not, have their backing.

Dec 8, 2015 / John Nichols
