The Arrest of Dora María Téllez Marks a New Low for Nicaragua The Arrest of Dora María Téllez Marks a New Low for Nicaragua
One of the beliefs that animated the Central American solidarity movement then was that we were not powerless. We are not powerless now, either.
Aug 10, 2021 / Column / Linda Mannheim

When Sensitivity Becomes Censorship When Sensitivity Becomes Censorship
A restrictionist mentality is taking over certain segments of the left.
Jun 7, 2021 / Column / David Bromwich

The Resplendent Radicalism of Lawrence Ferlinghetti The Resplendent Radicalism of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
What made Ferlinghetti so refreshing was his delight with each new generation’s readiness to challenge the status quo it had been handed.
Feb 25, 2021 / John Nichols

Cancel Culture’s Latest Victims Cancel Culture’s Latest Victims
These conservative intellectuals have been silenced forever.
Feb 12, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow

The High Cost of Quieting Down Trump The High Cost of Quieting Down Trump
In a misguided effort to create the illusion of balance, centrist institutions are silencing voices that make conservatives mad.
Jan 25, 2021 / Jeet Heer

Trump’s Twitter Tirade Is the Tantrum of a Troll Trump’s Twitter Tirade Is the Tantrum of a Troll
Social media probably does need public regulation—but make no mistake, Trump’s latest move is a would-be tyrant’s attack on truth-telling.
May 29, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump Isn’t the First President to Attack the Press Trump Isn’t the First President to Attack the Press
Woodrow Wilson’s presidency threatened to censor critical media using the US Postal Service over a century ago.
Mar 19, 2020 / Adam Hochschild

China Is Exporting Its Anti-Muslim Strategy to India China Is Exporting Its Anti-Muslim Strategy to India
Muslims in Kashmir may find themselves in a Xinjiang-style dystopia thanks to Chinese technology and Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalism.
Oct 16, 2019 / Nithin Coca

Trump’s Charges Against Julian Assange Would Effectively Criminalize Investigative Journalism Trump’s Charges Against Julian Assange Would Effectively Criminalize Investigative Journalism
Ever since the Pentagon Papers case, an Espionage Act loophole has been waiting for a president thuggish enough to make use of it.
May 31, 2019 / Bruce Shapiro

Svetlana Alexievich: ‘Freedom Is Long and Hard Work’ Svetlana Alexievich: ‘Freedom Is Long and Hard Work’
The Nobel Prize laureate in literature believes a new generation in the countries of the former USSR will make the dreams of 1991 a reality.
Aug 30, 2018 / Nadezhda Azhgikhina