The Guns of North Carolina: Training for the Next January 6? The Guns of North Carolina: Training for the Next January 6?
The barrage of gunfire and explosions from this “Tactical and Cultural Training Center” in the North Carolina woods already has the majority-Black town next door on edge. How worri...
Oct 22, 2021 / Column / Laura Flanders

Cambridge Analytica Showed Us the Dangers of ‘Academic Commercialism’ Cambridge Analytica Showed Us the Dangers of ‘Academic Commercialism’
What happens to ethics when universities rush to monetize their work?
Apr 10, 2020 / Colleen Cordes

Reading Richard Rorty in Tehran Reading Richard Rorty in Tehran
What the American philosopher’s visit to Tehran in 2004 can teach us about Iranian society—and our own.
Feb 28, 2020 / Samuel Thrope

Blackwater: One of the Pentagon’s Top Contractors for Afghanistan Training Blackwater: One of the Pentagon’s Top Contractors for Afghanistan Training
A Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction report reveals the major recipients of DoD's Afghanistan reconstruction programs.
Mar 31, 2015 / Tim Shorrock

Finally, a Verdict on Blackwater’s Nisour Square Shooters Finally, a Verdict on Blackwater’s Nisour Square Shooters
Accountability for the massacre in Iraq is a start—but we should also be talking about reducing reliance on private military contractors.
Oct 29, 2014 / The Editors

America: The Impotent Superpower America: The Impotent Superpower
American military and corporate power have triumphed over all rivals—so why does the United States still struggle to impose its will on the world?
Jul 14, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt
Lawmakers Ask Hillary Clinton to Explain Erik Prince’s Mercenaries in the UAE Lawmakers Ask Hillary Clinton to Explain Erik Prince’s Mercenaries in the UAE
“The implications of allowing a US citizen to assemble a legion in any foreign country, and especially in a combustible region like the Middle East, are serious and wide-rang...
May 23, 2011 / Jeremy Scahill
Jeremy Scahill: Inside Erik Prince’s United Arab Emirates Mercenary Army Jeremy Scahill: Inside Erik Prince’s United Arab Emirates Mercenary Army
Why is Blackwater founder Erik Prince building a mercenary army for the United Arab Emirates? The contracted guns will be much less involved in maintaining the peace than they...
May 18, 2011 / Press Room
Jeremy Scahill: Is Blackwater’s Erik Prince Starting a Proxy War Against Iran? Jeremy Scahill: Is Blackwater’s Erik Prince Starting a Proxy War Against Iran?
Blackwater's Erik Prince is building an army of mercenaries for the United Arab Emirates. One that includes no Muslims. What is going on here?
May 17, 2011 / Press Room

Erik Prince, You’re No Indiana Jones Erik Prince, You’re No Indiana Jones
Blackwater's infamous founder is building a mercenary army in the United Arab Emirates.
May 16, 2011 / Jeremy Scahill