From the World Cup to the Washington Football Team, Indigenous People Fight to Be Seen From the World Cup to the Washington Football Team, Indigenous People Fight to Be Seen
Whether in Brazil or the United States, opponents of Native rights have taken to the tactic of pretending indigenous social justice activists simply do not exist.
Jun 21, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘Don’t Tear Gas the Tourists!’ Dispatches From Brazil’s World Cup: ‘Don’t Tear Gas the Tourists!’
Police repression of a FIFA Go Home protest near Brazil’s legendary Maracanã stadum had unintended consequences.
Jun 16, 2014 / Dave Zirin

I’m Heading to Rio for the 2014 World Cup I’m Heading to Rio for the 2014 World Cup
I’m on my way to the World Cup to take the temperature of Brazil’s historic passion for soccer, as well as its rekindled passion for struggle.
Jun 12, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Is a ‘Systematic Political Campaign’ Responsible for Brazil’s World Cup Protests? Is a ‘Systematic Political Campaign’ Responsible for Brazil’s World Cup Protests?
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff, armed with historical revisionism, wants to blame Brazil’s turmoil on political agitators. That charge won’t stick.
Jun 8, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Brazil’s Dance With the Devil on the Eve of the World Cup Brazil’s Dance With the Devil on the Eve of the World Cup
The Cup has become a tool for neoliberal plunder—but Brazilians are fighting back.
May 21, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Greenwash Games: On Playing the World Cup in the Amazon Greenwash Games: On Playing the World Cup in the Amazon
Sports tournaments will pollute air for “the earth’s lungs.”
Apr 23, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Brazil’s World Cup Will Kick the Environment in the Teeth Brazil’s World Cup Will Kick the Environment in the Teeth
In Brazil, the impact of sports mega-events like the World Cup on the environment is nothing to cheer.
Apr 22, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Brazil vs. the World Cup Brazil vs. the World Cup
What could have provoked such massive protests against a soccer festival from the sport’s most passionate fans?
Jul 3, 2013 / Marina Amaral and Natalia Viana