Print Magazine
March 31, 2014 Issue
Cover art by: design by Robert Best
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Columbia University Fired Two Eminent Public Intellectuals. Here’s Why It Matters.
The fate of Carole Vance and Kim Hopper should worry everyone who wants academics to play a larger role in public debates.

Why We Need a New Church Committee to Fix Our Broken Intelligence System
As Senator Feinstein has revealed, the CIA will not only stall but even spy on Congress to impede its investigation of wrongdoing.

The Bigot’s Lament
After the defeat of Arizona's SB 1062, the religious right nurses its persecution complex.

‘I, Too, Am Harvard’ Rocks the Ivory Tower
At Harvard, as elsewhere, students battle the banality of racism by turning insult into art.
En pointe… tiny tasks, tiniest pay… mishegoss?… last word on the National Library of Israel…
Books & the Arts

Missing Pictures
Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel, Jiri Menzel’s I Served the King of England, Rithy Panh’s The Missing Picture

Shelf Life: Hal Hartley’s Unbelievable Truths
The Unbelievable Truth, Trust, The Book of Life, The Girl from Monday and Meanwhile