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July 8, 2002 Issue
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The Truth on Warming
The journalist I.F. Stone used to joke that the government issues so much information every day, it can't help but let the truth slip out every once in a while. The Bush Admini...
War on Iraq Is Wrong
If the Bush Administration has its way, Iraq will be the first test of its new doctrine of pre-emption. To adopt such a destabilizing strategy is profoundly contrary to our inte...
Framed by the FBI
The $4.4 million damages award in June against FBI agents and Oakland police for violating the constitutional rights of environmental activists Darryl Cherney and Judi Bari, wr...
Aid–Let’s Get Real
The Africa trip of Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Irish rock star Bono produced a bumper harvest of photo ops and articles about aid to Africa. Unfortunately, media covera...
The Ventura Legacy
<& "$_basedir/include/icaps.imhtml", style=>$icapstyle, letter=>'"A' &>rguing with intelligence, a massive array of facts and a sly wit, Sifry claims that our two-party sys...
Readers of Andrew Sullivan's website may have noticed a series of items about my piece "Attack of the Homocons," which appeared in The Nation's July 1 issue.
Ashcroft [heart] Iran
What would the world look like if women had full human rights? If girls went to school and young women went to college in places where now they are used as household drudges...
A Second Gilded Age
Would it be too early to sense a sudden, uncovenanted shift against the corporate ethic, if ethic is the word? I can barely turn the page of a newspaper or magazine without stri...
Bush Overplays the Terror Card
Has the war on terrorism become the modern equivalent of the Roman Circus, drawing the people's attention away from the failures of those who rule them?
Books & the Arts
Company Men
Although car chases are formulaic, they needn't be standard issue. One of the many substantial pleasures that The Bourne Identity offers is a thoughtful car chase, a lov...
Too Much Monkey Business
I received the news of paleontologist and popular science writer Stephen Jay Gould's death, at age 60, in the week I was reading Jonathan Marks's new book on genetics, human ev...
Riders on the Storm
Dread ripples through me as I listen to a phone message from our manager saying that we (The Doors) have another offer of huge amounts of money if we would just allow one of ou...
Jefferson’s Patsy?
No one has contributed more to the United States than James Madison. He was the principal architect of the Constitution, the brilliant theorist who, more than any other single ...
Islam’s Divided Crescent
On September 23, 2001, midpoint between the horrific events of September 11 and the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, the New York Times ran an intriguing headline. "...