It’s Shocking How Relevant This 150-Year-Old Denunciation of American Racism Is Today It’s Shocking How Relevant This 150-Year-Old Denunciation of American Racism Is Today
In 1865, a writer in The Nation took aim at the deadly dehumanization of black lives that plagued the United States then as it does today.
Nov 4, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Sheldon Wolin, 1922–2015 Sheldon Wolin, 1922–2015
The late scholar and Nation contributor brought left-leaning political philosophy to the fore.
Oct 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

No Wonder Pope Francis Admires Him: Thomas Merton Denounced the ‘Versatile Blandishments of Money’ No Wonder Pope Francis Admires Him: Thomas Merton Denounced the ‘Versatile Blandishments of Money’
But there’s more: Merton wrote for The Nation before he even became Catholic.
Sep 24, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Why Is the ‘Radical Pope’ About to Canonize a Priest Who Helped Enslave and Murder Native Americans? Why Is the ‘Radical Pope’ About to Canonize a Priest Who Helped Enslave and Murder Native Americans?
It's time to confront, not celebrate, the other American slavery.
Sep 18, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Give Trump This: The 14th Amendment Has Been Working Overtime Give Trump This: The 14th Amendment Has Been Working Overtime
How healthy is it to found a democracy on this one slender reed?
Aug 26, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Stop Turning the End of Slavery Into Army Propaganda Stop Turning the End of Slavery Into Army Propaganda
Yes, the United States army, “wearing this blue uniform,” helped destroy slavery. Doesn’t it matter what else that army has done?
Aug 12, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

For the Tobacco Industry’s Backlash Against Lung Cancer Science, You’re Welcome For the Tobacco Industry’s Backlash Against Lung Cancer Science, You’re Welcome
An early Nation investigation was “circulated far and wide throughout the huckster fraternity.”
Jul 15, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

What Would Our Founder, Frederick Law Olmsted, Think of TheNation.com? What Would Our Founder, Frederick Law Olmsted, Think of TheNation.com?
Olmsted’s original mission statement for The Nation ridiculed daily newspapers in language that applies to much Internet journalism today.
Jul 6, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

The Confederate Flag Doesn’t Commemorate the South’s ‘Lost Cause’—It’s the Symbol of a Cause Won The Confederate Flag Doesn’t Commemorate the South’s ‘Lost Cause’—It’s the Symbol of a Cause Won
The Nation’s coverage of an earlier Confederate flag controversy—from 1887—shows the real reason the flag still flies in South Carolina.
Jun 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

The Reconstruction-Era Violence Lurking in the Southern Air The Reconstruction-Era Violence Lurking in the Southern Air
An editorial in The Nation’s first issue, 150 years ago, shows the long history leading to yesterday’s attack in Charleston, South Carolina.
Jun 19, 2015 / Richard Kreitner