The First 100 Days Are Critical The First 100 Days Are Critical
We asked 10 activists, analysts, and elected officials to examine what Biden can and should do to undo the damage caused by Trump.
Jan 4, 2021 / Roane Carey for The Nation

Remembering Graham Usher Remembering Graham Usher
In his very first Nation dispatch, Graham reported from the territories on Arafat’s plummeting popularity and human rights abuses, as well as his shameful concessions in...
Aug 20, 2013 / Roane Carey

A Night at the Oscars for Israel-Palestine A Night at the Oscars for Israel-Palestine
Two brilliant nominees, The Gatekeepers and 5 Broken Cameras, along with other recent documentaries, have deepened our understanding of the conflict.
Feb 20, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Roane Carey
Why Occupy AIPAC? Why Occupy AIPAC?
It's time to end the stranglehold of this pernicious lobby.
Mar 2, 2012 / Roane Carey
Why Occupy AIPAC? Why Occupy AIPAC?
It's time to end the stranglehold of this pernicious lobby.
Mar 2, 2012 / Roane Carey

Israel’s Piracy Israel’s Piracy
With its unprovoked attack on the Freedom Flotilla, Israel has only fueled the world movement to end the Gaza blockade.
Jun 1, 2010 / Roane Carey
The Goldstone Report on Gaza The Goldstone Report on Gaza
Like its predecessors, the so-called Goldstone report is devastating in its critique of Israeli actions.
Sep 23, 2009 / Roane Carey
Boycott Israel? Boycott Israel?
Mention boycott in a discussion of Israel, and chances are you'll find yourself the butt of vicious attacks. Israeli professor Neve Gordon elicited just such denunciations when he ...
Aug 25, 2009 / Roane Carey
The Rape of Gaza The Rape of Gaza
How would you feel if you found out that an American school, paid for with your tax dollars, was bombed and completely destroyed by a US ally? This happened in Gaza just a few mont...
Jun 2, 2009 / Roane Carey
Prussia on the Mediterranean? Prussia on the Mediterranean?
It is an assumption almost universally acknowledged among the liberal American intelligentsia that while the Israeli occupation is repressive and abhorrent, Israel itself is an ope...
May 27, 2009 / Roane Carey