We Shouldn’t Fear Being “Divisive” in Pursuit of Justice We Shouldn’t Fear Being “Divisive” in Pursuit of Justice
We shouldn’t pretend that movements like BDS aren’t “divisive.” Instead, we need to make the moral and ethical case for why that divisiveness is necessary.
Jun 16, 2023 / Omar Barghouti

Is This Israel’s South Africa Moment? Is This Israel’s South Africa Moment?
As Amnesty International issues a landmark report on Israeli apartheid, it’s time for Americans to demand accountability, not complicity, from their government.
Feb 7, 2022 / Omar Barghouti and Stefanie Fox

The Israeli Firm NSO—Makers of Pegasus Spyware—Must Be Banned The Israeli Firm NSO—Makers of Pegasus Spyware—Must Be Banned
And why the Biden administration has taken unprecedented action against a company with such deep ties to the Israeli government.
Dec 3, 2021 / Phyllis Bennis and Omar Barghouti

‘All We Need Is Some More Courage From the World’ ‘All We Need Is Some More Courage From the World’
Palestinians are showing enormous bravery during this moment of horror. Now we need the world to respond with corresponding acts of courage and support.
May 14, 2021 / Omar Barghouti

Letters From the August 26-September 2, 2019, Issue Letters From the August 26-September 2, 2019, Issue
Eyes wide open… The other stain… Sanders’s exceptionalism?… Human rights v. propaganda (web only)…
Aug 13, 2019 / Our Readers and Omar Barghouti

Why Americans Should Support BDS Why Americans Should Support BDS
Inspired by the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements, it calls for Palestinian liberation on terms of full equality with Israelis and categorically opposes all forms of racism...
Jul 29, 2019 / Omar Barghouti

For Palestinians, the 1967 War Remains an Enduring, Painful Wound For Palestinians, the 1967 War Remains an Enduring, Painful Wound
After years of occupation and dispossession, the time for Palestinian freedom is now.
Jun 9, 2017 / Omar Barghouti
On Academic Freedom and the BDS Movement On Academic Freedom and the BDS Movement
An effective isolation of Israeli academic institutions will undoubtedly curtail some privileges that Israeli scholars take for granted, like generous travel subsidies, but that ha...
Dec 14, 2013 / Omar Barghouti

OpinionNation: A Forum on Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) OpinionNation: A Forum on Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)
In this second round, Eric Alterman and Lizzy Ratner respond to arguments for and against BDS.
May 3, 2012 / Omar Barghouti, Bernard Avishai, Lizzy Ratner, and Eric Alterman