10 Reasons I’m Praying for AIPAC’s Decline 10 Reasons I’m Praying for AIPAC’s Decline
The right-wing ‘pro-Israel’ lobby is slowly losing its bipartisan appeal. Here's why that's a good thing.
Mar 3, 2015 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Medea Benjamin and Foreign Policy In Focus
Why I Spoke Out at Obama’s Foreign Policy Speech Why I Spoke Out at Obama’s Foreign Policy Speech
On topics from Guantánamo to drone strikes, I couldn’t let the president act as if he were some helpless official at the mercy of Congress.
May 24, 2013 / Medea Benjamin
Time for a Taxpayer Revolt Time for a Taxpayer Revolt
The bailout package isn't a compromise: it's an appalling transfer of wealth upward. Register your protest!
Sep 29, 2008 / Editorial / Medea Benjamin and Arun Gupta
Want Out of Iraq? Call Your Senator Want Out of Iraq? Call Your Senator
Don't just get angry about the continuing Iraq debacle. Insist that your senators do something about it.
May 22, 2007 / Editorial / Medea Benjamin
When Will US Women Demand Peace? When Will US Women Demand Peace?
Polls show large numbers of American women have grave doubts about the Iraq War: But where are they? A new campaign aims to mobilize American women for global protests March 8.
Jan 24, 2006 / Editorial / Medea Benjamin
Support Our Troops Support Our Troops
It's easy to slap a magnet on your SUV and feel like you're supporting American soldiers fighting a brutal, far-off war. But the way to really support them is to work to extricate ...
Nov 10, 2005 / Editorial / Medea Benjamin and Gayle Brandeis
Response 3 Response 3
Ifind David Cortright's call useful but limiting. The most exciting aspect of the antiwar organizing has been its global reach.
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Medea Benjamin
Afghan Victims Deserve US Support Afghan Victims Deserve US Support
When Congress contemplates the upcoming 2002 Supplemental Appropriations bill, there's a small item that should be added to the budget: $20 million to help the Afghan people who w...
May 3, 2002 / Editorial / Medea Benjamin and Jason Mark