Joan Walsh

National Affairs Correspondent


Joan Walsh, a national affairs correspondent for The Nation, is a coproducer of The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show and the author of What’s the Matter With White People? Finding Our Way in the Next America. Her new book (with Nick Hanauer and Donald Cohen) is Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power and Wealth In America.

President Joe Biden at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden Bids Farewell Joe Biden Bids Farewell

Wednesday night’s address was moving, and also confirmed that he’d made the right decision.

Jul 25, 2024 / Joan Walsh

Kamala Harris Steps Up

Kamala Harris Steps Up Kamala Harris Steps Up

The future of American democracy now rests on the vice president’s shoulders. That’s why it’s more important than ever to understand who she is.

Jul 24, 2024 / Feature / Joan Walsh

President Joe Biden, left, and Vice President Kamala Harris on the Truman Balcony of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 4, 2024.

Joe Biden Cements His Legacy Joe Biden Cements His Legacy

Abandoning his reelection run and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris took courage and vision. Other top Dems are joining.

Jul 21, 2024 / Joan Walsh

Trump leans toward J.D. Vance to shake his hand, onstage at the RNC.

The He-Man, Woman-Hater’s GOP Presidential Ticket The He-Man, Woman-Hater’s GOP Presidential Ticket

By picking the banal natalist Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate, Donald Trump seems to be aiming for an even smaller share of the women’s vote than he earns on his own.

Jul 17, 2024 / Joan Walsh

A backlit photo of a Secret Service agent with a gun on stage the rally at which Trump was shot.

Where Our Current Moment of Political Violence Began Where Our Current Moment of Political Violence Began

I did not let myself feel how scary it was at the RNC in Cleveland in 2016. Eight years later, it’s clear that it was a preview of the perilous moment we’re in now.

Jul 15, 2024 / Joan Walsh

President Joe Biden speaks at a news conference during the NATO Summit in Washington, DC, on July 11, 2024.

Biden’s “Big Boy Press Conference” Went Fine, but It Won’t Quiet Doubters Biden’s “Big Boy Press Conference” Went Fine, but It Won’t Quiet Doubters

The president started with a flub but ended strong. It may not matter.

Jul 11, 2024 / Joan Walsh

Kamala Harris waves as she arrives on stage to deliver remarks on reproductive rights at Ritchie Coliseum on the campus of the University of Maryland on June 24, 2024 in College Park, Maryland.

Exclusive: Is Kamala the One? Exclusive: Is Kamala the One?

Could the vice president be our best hope of saving the country from Trump? In this excerpt from our profile, Joan Walsh meets Kamala Harris.

Jul 8, 2024 / Joan Walsh

President Joe Biden speaks with George Stephanopoulos on July 5, 2024, in Madison, Wisconsin. The president sat down with Stephanopoulos while on the campaign trail, a few days after a debate with former president Donald Trump.

Biden Did Not Save His Presidency on ABC Biden Did Not Save His Presidency on ABC

An uneven interview with George Stephanapoulos was too little, too late—and maybe a bit too churlish.

Jul 6, 2024 / Joan Walsh

Former president Donald Trump in Milwaukee in 2020.

Trump Has Slurred Black-Led Cities Before. In Milwaukee, He’s Paying For It Trump Has Slurred Black-Led Cities Before. In Milwaukee, He’s Paying For It

Trump frequently uses majority-Black cities as synecdoches for urban doom, political corruption and American decline.

Jun 18, 2024 / Joan Walsh

J.D. Vance in the background in focus with Donald Trump in the foreground out of focus.

Just More Evidence That J.D. Vance Is a Fraud Just More Evidence That J.D. Vance Is a Fraud

As long as you ultimately kiss the ring, you get total absolution in Trump world. But the junior senator from Ohio has traveled farther than most.

Jun 13, 2024 / Joan Walsh
