Biden’s Buddy Tom Vilsack Is No Friend to Farmers Biden’s Buddy Tom Vilsack Is No Friend to Farmers
Confirming him as secretary of agriculture adds insult to the Democratic Party’s long record of malign neglect toward rural Americans.
Jan 28, 2021 / Emily Berch

Iowa’s Derecho Signals It’s Time to Ban Utility Monopolies Iowa’s Derecho Signals It’s Time to Ban Utility Monopolies
Iowa’s recent derecho has highlighted the danger of utility monopolies: Residents are at the mercy of one corporation’s capacity to respond to disaster.
Aug 24, 2020 / Emily Berch

Posadism: The Rise and Fall of Apocalypse Communism Posadism: The Rise and Fall of Apocalypse Communism
A.M. Gittlitz, the author of a new book on J. Posadas, explains the socialist alien memes.
Aug 18, 2020 / Emily Berch

Iowa’s Republican Governor Sacrifices Citizens to Trump Iowa’s Republican Governor Sacrifices Citizens to Trump
The state has some of fastest-growing Covid-19 outbreaks in the country. That hasn’t stopped Governor Kim Reynolds from rushing to reopen.
May 7, 2020 / Emily Berch

What We Can Learn From the Iran/Contra Scandal What We Can Learn From the Iran/Contra Scandal
Leon Neyfakh, the host of the podcast Fiasco, tells The Nation that you can’t separate the policies from the people.
Feb 12, 2020 / Q&A / Emily Berch

Satellite Locations Are Not Enough to Make the Iowa Caucuses Inclusive and Fair Satellite Locations Are Not Enough to Make the Iowa Caucuses Inclusive and Fair
The caucuses are better at portraying the idea of democracy than bringing people into democracy.
Feb 4, 2020 / Emily Berch