Elie Mystal

Justice Correspondent & Columnist


Elie Mystal is The Nation’s justice correspondent and the host of its legal podcast, Contempt of Court. He is also an Alfred Knobler Fellow at the Type Media Center. His first book is the New York Times bestseller Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, published by The New Press. Elie can be followed @ElieNYC.

Mueller walks through halls of capitol building

Robert Mueller Obstructed His Own Investigation As Much as Donald Trump Robert Mueller Obstructed His Own Investigation As Much as Donald Trump

Even under the standard Mueller set for himself, he didn’t finish the job.

Apr 18, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Donald Trump a rally

Donald Trump Isn’t Playing Games With Ilhan Omar—He’s Inciting Violence Donald Trump Isn’t Playing Games With Ilhan Omar—He’s Inciting Violence

And he’s going to keep inciting violence until someone gets killed.

Apr 16, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Gorsuch Senate Confirmation

Neil Gorsuch Just Made Death Worse Neil Gorsuch Just Made Death Worse

In an appalling majority opinion, Gorsuch endorses pain-filled deaths for people subjected to capital punishment.

Apr 3, 2019 / Elie Mystal

The Time Has Come for Democrats to Impeach Brett Kavanaugh

The Time Has Come for Democrats to Impeach Brett Kavanaugh The Time Has Come for Democrats to Impeach Brett Kavanaugh

And no, ‘he’s just not worth it’ is not an acceptable excuse.

Mar 20, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Lori Loughlin Probably Thinks My Kids Have It Easy

Lori Loughlin Probably Thinks My Kids Have It Easy Lori Loughlin Probably Thinks My Kids Have It Easy

Behind the college admissions scandal is a deeply held belief that minorities are out there, “gaining advantages.”

Mar 14, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Paul Manafort 2018

The Manafort Sentence Is a Lesson in White Privilege The Manafort Sentence Is a Lesson in White Privilege

But the solution isn’t to inflate sentences for wealthy white men—it’s to reduce sentences for poor people of color.

Mar 8, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Arizona Supporters Cheer President Elect Donald Trump

Running the Democratic Primary Through ‘Trump Country’ Is the Road to Defeat Running the Democratic Primary Through ‘Trump Country’ Is the Road to Defeat

Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders.

Feb 28, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Is a Hot Legal Mess

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Is a Hot Legal Mess Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Is a Hot Legal Mess

That should bode well for lawsuits challenging Trump’s emergency declaration—if judges follow legal principles instead of politics.

Feb 20, 2019 / Editorial / Elie Mystal

Trump discusses immigration proposals

Yes, We Can Stop Trump’s Fake National Emergency Yes, We Can Stop Trump’s Fake National Emergency

Three ways to stop the scam to steal the money to build the wall.

Feb 15, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Brett Kavanaugh Is Already Done Pretending He Respects Abortion Rights

Brett Kavanaugh Is Already Done Pretending He Respects Abortion Rights Brett Kavanaugh Is Already Done Pretending He Respects Abortion Rights

And Susan Collins is to blame.

Feb 8, 2019 / Elie Mystal
