Do People Think the Economy Is Bad Because the Media Failed, or Because the Economy Is Actually Bad? Do People Think the Economy Is Bad Because the Media Failed, or Because the Economy Is Actually Bad?
Two experts look at the data come to very different conclusions about the state of the US economy.
Jul 19, 2024 / The Debate / Dean Baker and Wesley Bignell

Billionaires Won’t Save Local News. Here’s What Will. Billionaires Won’t Save Local News. Here’s What Will.
Praying for beneficent tycoons is not the answer. We need the government to step up.
Mar 4, 2024 / Dean Baker

Why the Public Is Negative on the Economy Why the Public Is Negative on the Economy
The economic picture under Biden actually looks great—but he’s polling poorly anyway.
Feb 21, 2024 / Dean Baker

Want to Reverse Inequality? Change Intellectual Property Rules. Want to Reverse Inequality? Change Intellectual Property Rules.
Changes in IP have done far more than tax cuts to increase inequality—and US protection of IP could lead to a cold war with China.
Feb 8, 2021 / Dean Baker

Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal
He claims the new North American bill is a victory for US manufacturing, but it’s a lot like the TPP and does very little for US workers.
Oct 3, 2018 / Dean Baker

Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate
Her agenda is fundamentally different from the one Hillary Clinton will pursue.
Jun 24, 2016 / Dean Baker
Fix the Debt’s Fuzzy Math Fix the Debt’s Fuzzy Math
Dire warnings about the deficit don’t add up mathematically. But then, Fix the Debt is not really about the economy, it’s about gutting Medicare, Social Security and ot...
Feb 20, 2013 / Feature / Dean Baker

Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly
The median income of people over age 65 is less than $20,000. The solution is not to cut that further.
Dec 18, 2012 / Dean Baker
What Would Keynes Do? A Forum, Part 2 What Would Keynes Do? A Forum, Part 2
A second round of responses from economists and wonks to Thomas Geoghegan's Nation essay “What Would Keynes Do?”
Oct 6, 2011 / Dean Baker, Alice Amsden, and Louis Uchitelle
Why We Aren’t Like Greece Why We Aren’t Like Greece
Deficit hawks argue that excessive government spending drives the US’s debt woes. They're wrong.
Aug 10, 2011 / Dean Baker