Anthony Borden

Anthony Borden is executive director of the Institute for War & Peace Reporting, based in London.

Volunteers of the medical battalion Hospitallers providing first aid while evacuating wounded Ukrainian soldiers from the war area on May 15, 2024 in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine.

Civic Resistance in Ukraine Civic Resistance in Ukraine

The grassroots upsurge is young, largely female, horizontally organized, tech-savvy, and mostly volunteer-run.

Jul 11, 2024 / Paul Hockenos and Anthony Borden

Stirrings in Kabul Stirrings in Kabul

Several weeks on from the loya jirga national council, the streets of Kabul have an extra bustle. Whereas in January the place was deserted by 6 pm, now the curfew has been extend...

Aug 15, 2002 / Editorial / Anthony Borden and J. West

Milosevic at the Bar Milosevic at the Bar

The trial in The Hague of the first state president indicted for genocide was to be the ultimate showdown. In the culmination of a fifty-year struggle by the human rights communit...

Mar 14, 2002 / Editorial / Anthony Borden
