Mother-Worship Mother-Worship
This is a special selection from The Nation Digital Archive. If you want to read everything The Nation has ever published on the women's rights movement and feminism, click here fo...
Mar 6, 2002 / Feature / The Nation
The Making of a Militant The Making of a Militant
This article originally appeared in the December 1, 1926, issue, inaugurating a feature called "These Modern Women," "a series of anonymous articles giving the personal backgrounds...
Mar 6, 2002 / Feature
Wave of Election Reform Hits California. Wave of Election Reform Hits California.
As partisan squabbles in the US Senate continue to delay meaningful action on election reforms proposed after the Florida recount crisis of 2000, California voters are taking ball...
Mar 6, 2002 / John Nichols
Birth Control Wins Birth Control Wins
Two events which occurred at the end of 1936 may signify a turning-point in the birth-control movement in America.
Mar 6, 2002 / Feature / Hannah M. Stone
Upsetting Upset for the GOP Upsetting Upset for the GOP
Los Angeles Tuesday, March 5, midnight
Mar 6, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper
The Education of Women The Education of Women
In most of the discussions in relation to the improvement of female education, the objectors have shown themselves unable to rise above the utilitarian, or rather the purely mate...
Mar 5, 2002 / The Editors
The Feminist Crusade The Feminist Crusade
This essay, from the July 17, 1948, issue of The Nation, is a special selection from The Nation Digital Archive. If you want to read everything The Nation has ever published on fem...
Mar 5, 2002 / Feature / Ramona Barth
The Still Bad New Old Nixon The Still Bad New Old Nixon
It's been three decades since President Richard M.
Mar 5, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Robert Scheer
What Women Vote For What Women Vote For
The question about the so-called "women's vote" is generally phrased: How will the women vote? The answer to that is too easy. Women vote just as men vote.
Mar 5, 2002 / Elizabeth Hawes