Kucinich Rocks the Boat Kucinich Rocks the Boat
Dennis Kucinich never doubted that millions of Americans had deep concerns about George W. Bush's ever-expanding war on ill-defined foes abroad and on civil liberties at home. Bu...
Mar 7, 2002 / John Nichols
The Senate’s Fighting Liberal The Senate’s Fighting Liberal
Sen. Ted Kennedy has passed away at the age of 77. This 2002 Nation profile by the late Jack Newfield captures the essence of what this legend meant to the progressive movement.
Mar 7, 2002 / Feature / Jack Newfield
Beam Us Back, Scotty! Beam Us Back, Scotty!
Science fiction routinely gets away with subversive gestures that would never be allowed in any realistic program. Thus it is that people who don't watch Star Trek are probably u...
Mar 7, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Donna Minkowitz
Terror in the Pyrenees Terror in the Pyrenees
ETA is losing legitimacy, but many Basques still feel unable to condemn it.
Mar 7, 2002 / Feature / Miren Gutierrez
Il Maestro’s Failed Magic Il Maestro’s Failed Magic
An awakened sense of outrage has reporters and members of Congress playing a fierce game of hounds and hares with Enron executives and other bandits, which is most fortunate for ...
Mar 7, 2002 / William Greider
Question Time Question Time
It's been six months since nineteen fanatics controlled by Al Qaeda seized four airliners and wreaked bloody, fiery havoc on the United States. In the aftermath, stunned and angr...
Mar 7, 2002 / The Editors
Colin Powell’s List Colin Powell’s List
The targeting of "terrorist" groups harks back to earlier repression of dissent.
Mar 7, 2002 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Bush’s Enron Deal Bush’s Enron Deal
Did George W. Bush once have a financial relationship with Enron? In 1986, according to a publicly available record, the two drilled for oil together--at a time when Bush was a n...
Mar 7, 2002 / David Corn
The Nightmare in Israel The Nightmare in Israel
Let's start with Baruch Kimmerling, a sociologist at Hebrew University. Here's what he published in the Jerusalem weekly Kol Ha'Ir last month: "I accuse Ariel Sharon of creating ...
Mar 7, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Back Into the Muck Back Into the Muck
Nation pay rates, you may have heard from brother Trillin, are not those of Condé Nast. Every once in a while I don't mind this, because the job just kind of does itself. ...
Mar 7, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman