There are many reasons why Cindy Sheehan is attracting a flood of media attention. The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, Sheehan is camping out near President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas and says she won’t leave until Bush agrees to meet with her to discuss the war. With a compelling personal narrative, an articulate voice and an obvious mainstream pedigree, Sheehan is tapping into a growing popular feeling that the Bush Administration is out of touch with the realities of the Iraq war.
This past Saturday, Bush’s national security adviser and the White House deputy chief of staff were dispatched to meet with Sheehan beside a road a few miles from Bush’s ranch, but she is still insisting on a meeting with the president before she will end her vigil. So far, the White House has adamantly refused but this refusal is starting to exact major public relations costs. With what Maureen Dowd called the “absolute” moral authority of a mother who has lost her son to war, Sheehan’s protest is giving voice to a question more and more Americans are–finally–asking: Why did we invade Iraq?
Sen. George Allen (Republican, Va.) has publicly encouraged the President to meet with Sheehan and answer her questions. Click here and urge your elected reps to make the same public call. There’s also a new website–MeetWithCindy.Org–which makes it easy to help support Sheehan’s efforts, whether you want to make plans to go to Crawford or whether you want to make it possible for others to do the same. The Crawford Peace House is also mobilizing support for Sheehan.
As Sheehan herself wrote last month in a piece posted on the Common Dreams site, “I want to hear the sound of our children getting off planes and boats from Iraq to the joyful squealing of their children and the deep sighs of relief from their spouses, parents, and other loved ones. I want to hear our citizenry lifting up their voices in chorus and singing, ‘We will never let this happen again.'”
Help make her vision a reality.
Bonus Link:Read Cindy Sheehan’s report on why she’s protesting in Crawford, published yesterday on The Huffington Post.