With 94 percent of the vote reporting, it looks like Arizona’s Prop. 107, the gay marriage ban will go down — 51.6 percent against it, 48.4 percent for it. Of particular interest is Maricopa county (home of Phoenix) which went against the ban. Pima county, home of liberal Tucson, played a big part in the victory — defeating the amendment by large margins.
Cindy Jordan, chair of No on 107, credits the victory (if it occurs, knock on wood) to grassroots efforts.The big national gay organizations have been notably absent there, and the campaigns have been smart about attracting voters from both conservative Phoenix and liberal Tucson with targeted messages and tactics. “We did this with no national help,” says Jordan, “this grassroot’s effort was local.”
Unfortunately, the anti-immigrant initiatives there are passing by wide margins — some over 70 percent.