Cheney Stayed At Uncle Tom’s House

Cheney Stayed At Uncle Tom’s House

Newsweek reported an interesting tidbit about Cheney’s stay at the exclusive 50,000 acre preserve known as the Armstrong Ranch. It seems that the Vice-President’s lodgings were in a guest quarters called "Uncle Tom’s House."

A house named for a member of the Armstrong family?

I look forward to more reporting on the names of other guest houses on the vast property which Newsweek describes as "’Gosford Park’ with a twang."


Newsweek reported an interesting tidbit about Cheney’s stay at the exclusive 50,000 acre preserve known as the Armstrong Ranch. It seems that the Vice-President’s lodgings were in a guest quarters called "Uncle Tom’s House."

A house named for a member of the Armstrong family?

I look forward to more reporting on the names of other guest houses on the vast property which Newsweek describes as "’Gosford Park’ with a twang."

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