The Breakdown: The Great Climate Debate

The Breakdown: The Great Climate Debate

The Breakdown: The Great Climate Debate

Global warming is not just controversial, it’s also pretty confusing. As world leaders debate in Copenhagen, politicians in Congress are pushing different plans to deal with climate change. Christopher Hayes breaks down the difference between cap and trade and a carbon tax.

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The Breakdown

Krugman vs. Hansen! Lieberman vs. Collins! Cap and trade vs. carbon tax! Global warming is not just controversial, it’s also pretty confusing. As world leaders squabble in Copenhagen, politicians in Congress are pushing different plans to deal with climate change. To help make sense of the debate, The Nation‘s Washington, D.C. Editor Christopher Hayes breaks down the difference between a cap and trade plan and a carbon tax.

Related Links

James Hansen, Storms of My Grandchildren

James Hansen, Cap and Fade

Paul Krugman, The Unhelpful Hansen

David Roberts, What to Make of the Cantwell/Collins CLEAR Act

N. Gregory Mankiw, A Missed Opportunity on Climate Change

Note: This is the beta launch of a new audio feature from The Nation, "The Breakdown with Christopher Hayes." Each week we’ll take questions from readers about confusing terms you’re hearing in the news, and then we’ll choose one to demystify! This is also the beta launch of our new audio player. We welcome and encourage your feedback about the new feature and the audio player. Please send comments to radionation [at] thenation [dot] com. If you would like to submit a question for the first 2010 edition of "The Breakdown," tweet Christopher Hayes, @chrislhayes, or email thebreakdown [at] thenation [dot] com.

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