The Audacity of the NAHB

The Audacity of the NAHB

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You’d think that the frank quid-pro-quo politics the National Association of Home Builders resorted to this February as part of their campaign to secure passage of favorable housing legislation might make them somewhat abashed. But no. As an ad in today’s dead-tree edition of Politico makes clear, as the NAHB has continued to fight for clearance of the Senate-backed housing bill — which gives away $25 billion in business tax breaks, nearly three times the amount allocated to homeowners — they’ve only acquired increasing delusions of grandeur along the way.

The ad likens NAHB’s crusade to — of all people — that of George Washington (complete with a 10-inch Presidential sketch):

Making History. April 30, 1789: George Washington sworn in as nation’s first President….April 30, 2008: The nation’s home builders assemble in Washington, telling Congress to move forward with housing stimulus legislation now.

It boggles the mind.

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