World Leaders

Rule of Noose Rule of Noose

Justice and reconciliation for the victims of Saddam Hussein will not be found at the end of a hangman's rope.

Dec 31, 2006 / Editorial / Bruce Shapiro

Pinochet’s Legacy Pinochet’s Legacy

The death of Chilean strongman Augusto Pinochet should not blunt the work of healing the damage he has done and shining light on the truth.

Dec 14, 2006 / Editorial / Marc Cooper

Letter From Venezuela: The Land of Chavismo Letter From Venezuela: The Land of Chavismo

Although the United States itches to do away with Hugo Chávez, his socialist policies are alleviating poverty and earning the people's trust. To Bush's chagrin, the Venezuel...

Nov 16, 2006 / Feature / Chesa Boudin

Bush’s Rough Justice Bush’s Rough Justice

Bush insisted that Saddam Hussein's trial be held in Iraq so that an international tribunal would never expose America's history of support for the tyrant.

Nov 8, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer

Questionable Verdict Questionable Verdict

Even the most naive American voter cannot be expected to see the morally, legally and politically questionable death sentence given to Saddam Hussein a milestone in the Bush Admin...

Nov 6, 2006 / Editorial / Richard Falk

A Devil’s Bargain A Devil’s Bargain

The United States may well have its way and exclude Venezuela from the UN Security Council, in retribution for Hugo Chávez's diabolical roast of George W. Bush. But doesn't ...

Oct 18, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams

Blair, Brown, Blah Blair, Brown, Blah

Tony Blair's sorry record on Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon--and the rise of a new, viable leader of the Conservative Party--could spell doom for Gordon Brown and the Labour Party.

Sep 28, 2006 / Beneath the Radar / Gary Younge

Fidel Lives Fidel Lives

Few Americans, especially those in government, know much about Cuba. And nowhere is that more evident than in the coverage of Fidel Castro's illness and the transition of power.

Sep 21, 2006 / Feature / Ned Sublette

A Bankrupt Cuba Policy A Bankrupt Cuba Policy

As Iraq burns and Castro recovers, the Bush Administration's schemes to further "Cuba's transition to democracy" ring more hollow than ever.

Aug 15, 2006 / Editorial / Wayne S. Smith

Letter From Bolivia: Morales Moves Letter From Bolivia: Morales Moves

Evo Morales and his Movement Toward Socialism party face two formidable foes: a far left discontented with neoliberalism and a combative rancher-based right wing.

Jun 1, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti
