Regions and Countries

Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home?

Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home? Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home?

It’s time to challenge politicians’ claims about the military’s effectiveness in the 21st century.

Feb 8, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

In the Debate With Clinton on Iran Policy, Sanders Is Right. Here’s Why.

In the Debate With Clinton on Iran Policy, Sanders Is Right. Here’s Why. In the Debate With Clinton on Iran Policy, Sanders Is Right. Here’s Why.

Clinton’s hawkish rhetoric undermines Iranian reformists as well as the potential for US-Iran regional cooperation.

Feb 5, 2016 / Bob Dreyfuss

The Obama Administration Has Just Recklessly Escalated Its Military Confrontation With Russia

The Obama Administration Has Just Recklessly Escalated Its Military Confrontation With Russia The Obama Administration Has Just Recklessly Escalated Its Military Confrontation With Russia

The Pentagon’s announcement that it will quadruple US-NATO military forces in countries on or near Russia’s borders pushes the new Cold War toward actual war, possibly even a nucle...

Feb 3, 2016 / Audio / Stephen F. Cohen

LGBT community rally participants encounter a policeman

Transgender Russians Struggle to Take Their Movement Out of the Shadows Transgender Russians Struggle to Take Their Movement Out of the Shadows

As the country grows more conservative on gender and sexuality, transgender Russians are fighting for their lives under great threat.

Feb 3, 2016 / Ilaria Parogni

Palestinian child collecting water

Flint and Gaza: Water Crises of Colonialism Flint and Gaza: Water Crises of Colonialism

In both places, local people have been deprived of autonomy, and they face a severe public health crisis as a result.

Feb 3, 2016 / Juan Cole

A scene from Rabin, the Last Day.

Israel’s Willful Blindness Israel’s Willful Blindness

Two films explore why the Israeli peace movement collapsed, and, taken together, might advance you toward an answer.

Feb 3, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Anti-War Protesters in Congress

What Can Today’s Peace Movement Learn From Vietnam? What Can Today’s Peace Movement Learn From Vietnam?

The best way to protect American lives is to refuse to take sides in someone else’s civil war.

Feb 2, 2016 / Ira Chernus

Iraqi Forces Search For The Kidnapped

Contractor Kidnappings and the Perils of Privatized War Contractor Kidnappings and the Perils of Privatized War

More than 3,700 contractors died on the global battlefield between 2001 and 2015, in this deadly and secrecy-shrouded game of crony capitalism.

Feb 2, 2016 / Tim Shorrock

The Feminist, Democratic Leftists Our Military Is Obliterating

The Feminist, Democratic Leftists Our Military Is Obliterating The Feminist, Democratic Leftists Our Military Is Obliterating

Why is the US helping to fight the Kurds?

Feb 1, 2016 / Debbie Bookchin

Citizens of Oslo celebrate Syttende Mai (May Seventeenth), Norway's national day commemorating the adoption of its Constitution.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why. After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why.

A crash course in social democracy.

Jan 28, 2016 / Feature / Ann Jones
