Public Schools

Former Vice President Joe Biden

When Joe Biden Collaborated With Segregationists When Joe Biden Collaborated With Segregationists

The candidate’s years as an anti-busing crusader cannot be forgotten—or readily forgiven.

Jun 6, 2019 / Editorial / Jonathan Kozol

NOLA's Charter Schools

New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic

Can a locally elected school board bring accountability to the city’s charter schools, or will it give an upper hand to well-connected parents?

May 21, 2019 / Emmanuel Felton

Bernie Sanders

Bernie’s Plan to Save Public Schools Bernie’s Plan to Save Public Schools

Sanders has the most progressive education platform in modern American history.

May 20, 2019 / Editorial / Nikhil Goyal

Anthony Abraham Jack

Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality

His new book, The Privileged Poor, examines the way elite colleges and universities welcome, and don’t welcome, students from the working classes. 

May 17, 2019 / Q&A / Edwin Aponte

Oklahoma Teacher

It’s Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda It’s Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda

The failures of the education-reform movement have created an opportunity for the left. We need to seize it.

Apr 29, 2019 / Pedro Noguera

Students protest DeVos

The Real College-Admissions Scandal Is America’s Unjust Financial-Aid Process The Real College-Admissions Scandal Is America’s Unjust Financial-Aid Process

A Title I public-school counselor recounts how systemic barriers punish low-income students who want to go to college.

Apr 24, 2019 / StudentNation / Emmeline Clein

Stop Defunding Our Public Schools Stop Defunding Our Public Schools

Across the country, education budgets have been slashed in favor of bloated military budgets and tax cuts for the rich. 

Apr 18, 2019 / Belle Chesler

School-District Secessions Are Gathering Speed, a New Report Shows

School-District Secessions Are Gathering Speed, a New Report Shows School-District Secessions Are Gathering Speed, a New Report Shows

Wealthy school districts are increasingly splitting from poorer, more diverse ones.

Apr 17, 2019 / StudentNation / Emmanuel Felton

The Oakland Teachers’ Strike Revealed California’s Education Crisis

The Oakland Teachers’ Strike Revealed California’s Education Crisis The Oakland Teachers’ Strike Revealed California’s Education Crisis

The struggle for fair funding goes way beyond the district. So now the teachers are taking their fight to Sacramento.

Mar 18, 2019 / Bryce Covert

Letters Icon

Letters From the March 25, 2019, Issue Letters From the March 25, 2019, Issue

The Dangers of Amnesia In his cover story “Who Is Matt Duss and Can He Take On ‘The Blob’?” [Feb. 25/March 4], David Klion misleadingly describes Barack Obama’s adviser Ben Rhodes…

Mar 7, 2019 / Letters / Our Readers
