
Kai Wright: Poverty Is Not a Personal Choice Kai Wright: Poverty Is Not a Personal Choice

Is poverty a culture issue or a policy issue?

Jan 4, 2012 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Meet Rick Santorum, Big-Spending Bush Republican Meet Rick Santorum, Big-Spending Bush Republican

Is Santorum the doctrinaire conservative alternative to Romney? Nope. On the size and cost of government, Santorum is a sell-out. 

Jan 4, 2012 / Blog / Ben Adler

‘The Iron Lady’: The Margaret Thatcher Movie We Don’t Need ‘The Iron Lady’: The Margaret Thatcher Movie We Don’t Need

In the new bio-pic, Margaret Thatcher's iron isn’t just rusty, it’s melted down into something soft and personal. The Iron Lady gives us Thatcher, the ABBA Version...

Jan 4, 2012 / Blog / Laura Flanders

Obama Stakes His Claim to the Middle Class Obama Stakes His Claim to the Middle Class

In announcing his appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, President Obama doubles-down on his populist rhetoric. 

Jan 4, 2012 / Blog / Jamelle Bouie

Obama Bucks GOP, Nominates CFPB Chief

Obama Bucks GOP, Nominates CFPB Chief Obama Bucks GOP, Nominates CFPB Chief

President Obama installed Richard Cordray as head of the CFPB today—and prepared for battle with Republicans over consumer protection from financial predators. 

Jan 4, 2012 / Blog / George Zornick

Electoral Dysfunction, 2012

Electoral Dysfunction, 2012 Electoral Dysfunction, 2012

Awash in Super PAC money, defined by negative TV ads, degraded by dumbed-down media and poisoned by voter suppression—this is not what democracy looks like.

Jan 4, 2012 / Editorial / The Editors

Noted. Noted.

Jamelle Bouie on Ben Nelson’s terrible tenure, Josh Eidelson on the NLRB’s new election rules, plus: battling ALEC in Virginia

Jan 4, 2012 / Editorial / Various Contributors

Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens

With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.

Jan 4, 2012 / Beat the Devil / Alexander Cockburn

Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows

Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows Ron Paul’s Strange Bedfellows

He’s against most of what we’re for. What is it with progressive mancrushes on right-wing Republicans?

Jan 4, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Ten Questions for Mitt Romney Ten Questions for Mitt Romney

Romney beat expectations by tying for first in Iowa after barely campaigning there. But before he waltzes to the nomination, here are some questions he should be asked. 

Jan 4, 2012 / Blog / Ben Adler
