Republicans Begin Pivot on Immigration Republicans Begin Pivot on Immigration
The Republican answer to the DREAM Act—the Achieve Act—still falls short of what the GOP needs to win over voters.
Nov 28, 2012 / Ben Adler
What the Case for Palin in 2016 Says About Conservatives What the Case for Palin in 2016 Says About Conservatives
Right-wing pundits still don’t get it: Romney's loss was about issues, not identity politics.
Nov 20, 2012 / Ben Adler
Smart Conservatives to GOP: It’s the Economy, Stupid Smart Conservatives to GOP: It’s the Economy, Stupid
Despite what Republican strategists may say, Marco Rubio and a more moderate immigration policy are not a silver-bullet solution to the GOP’s racial demographic problem. ...
Nov 14, 2012 / Ben Adler
Conservative Explanations for Romney’s Loss Conservative Explanations for Romney’s Loss
Right-wing pundits are pointing fingers at Romney's "moderate" positions, the 47 percent, the media and even Hurricane Sandy—but never at the conservative movem...
Nov 13, 2012 / Ben Adler
Conservatives Understand the GOP’s Problem but Not Its Solution Conservatives Understand the GOP’s Problem but Not Its Solution
Republicans fail to recognize that it was their policies—not people’s “perceptions”—that lost them women and minority voters.
Nov 8, 2012 / Ben Adler
Forlorn Young Republicans at RNC Party Forlorn Young Republicans at RNC Party
Other than admitting they need to appeal to women and young people, Republicans in DC had no ideas about what this election means.
Nov 7, 2012 / Ben Adler
The Mood at FreedomWorks HQ Is Nervous, but Optimistic The Mood at FreedomWorks HQ Is Nervous, but Optimistic
FreedomWorks is a fiscally conservative advocacy organization that rode the Tea Party wave to prominence in 2010.
Nov 7, 2012 / Ben Adler
Republican Voter Suppression Efforts in Virginia Republican Voter Suppression Efforts in Virginia
Republican poll-watchers are exacerbating long lines in the battleground state, by demanding extra forms of ID from voters.
Nov 6, 2012 / Ben Adler
Romney’s Last Pitch: He Will Heal Divided Country Romney’s Last Pitch: He Will Heal Divided Country
On the campaign trail Monday, Mitt blamed President Obama for the lack of bipartisanship in Washington, and promised to fix it.
Nov 6, 2012 / Ben Adler
Delusions of Third-Party Candidates Delusions of Third-Party Candidates
The “Third Party Presidential Debate” demonstrates the foolishness of their reasons for running.
Nov 5, 2012 / Ben Adler