
Misidentity Politics Misidentity Politics

The high point of liberal faith that the color line might be permanently breached may have been the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. From a participant's perspectiv...

Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Stanley Aronowitz

Muddle in the Middle, or The Class Act in Politics Muddle in the Middle, or The Class Act in Politics

Ruy Teixeira and Joel Rogers's America's Forgotten Majority has been credited with convincing Al Gore last summer to adopt a populist campaign strategy built around "working fami...

Oct 12, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Jack Metzgar

The Cartography of Death The Cartography of Death

Certainly...get him hanged! Why not? Anything--anything can be done in this country. --Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness So here we are, barely into the next century, and...

Oct 5, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Tom Engelhardt

North of the Border North of the Border

One of the most haunting images in David Riker's film La Ciudad is of the New York City skyline seen from a work site miles away from midtown. There, a group of Hispanic dayworke...

Sep 28, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Michael Ugarte

Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do… Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do…

Christina Hoff Summers is hot with righteous indignation on boys' behalf.

Sep 25, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Mark Edmundson

A Devil Theory of Islam A Devil Theory of Islam

Judith Miller is a New York Times reporter much in evidence on talk shows and seminars on the Middle East.

Jul 25, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Edward W. Said

A City That Worked A City That Worked

The New York of 1945 was the victorious city of the New Deal and World War II, one that can barely be glimpsed today beneath postmodern towers and billboards for dot-com enterprise...

Jul 13, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Robert W. Snyder

Second-Wave Soundings Second-Wave Soundings

The women's liberation movement, as it was called in the sixties and seventies, was the largest social movement in the history of the United States--and probably in the world.

Jun 15, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Linda Gordon and Rosalyn Baxandall

Flower Power: The Lessons Flower Power: The Lessons

An article in the financial section of the New York Observer this spring described a company named Corporation.

Jun 8, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Kim Phillips-Fein

When the CIA Was the NEA When the CIA Was the NEA

In June 1948 George Kennan, director of the State Department's policy planning staff, drafted National Security Directive NSC-10/2.

May 25, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Michael P. Rogin
