Electoral Reform

How the Right Is Building Its ‘Poll Watcher’ Network for November How the Right Is Building Its ‘Poll Watcher’ Network for November

Plugged into the framework of far right organizations, True the Vote has “empowered” a zealous group hellbent on intimidating would-be voters.

Aug 24, 2012 / Brentin Mock

Our Shrinking Democracy Our Shrinking Democracy

The powerful voices are few and the number of meaningful votes are dwindling, fast. How did we get here?

Aug 21, 2012 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Ari Berman: Why Have Republicans Flip-Flopped on Early Voting? Ari Berman: Why Have Republicans Flip-Flopped on Early Voting?

The GOP never railed against the cost of early voting until it was something Democrats were using.

Aug 20, 2012 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted takes drastic action to limit early voting hours in Ohio.

Aug 20, 2012 / Blog / Ari Berman

What’s Ahead in the ‘Voting Wars’? Certainly Not Peace What’s Ahead in the ‘Voting Wars’? Certainly Not Peace

A conversation with election law expert Richard Hasen on the true scope of voter fraud, the power of the ACORN myth and John Roberts’s scary interest in the Voting Rights Act...

Aug 17, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Brentin Mock and Voting Rights Watch

What DC Could Teach Capitol Hill What DC Could Teach Capitol Hill

The state of affairs on the Hill may be abysmal, but an initiative in the capital to put campaign finance reform on the local ballot gives reason for hope.

Jul 13, 2012 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Romney’s Latino Problem Romney’s Latino Problem

The president’s new immigration policy leaves Mitt with an impossible task: appealing to Latinos while appeasing his base.

Jun 18, 2012 / Blog / Ben Adler

Conservatives Make Nonsense Arguments Against Voting Rights Conservatives Make Nonsense Arguments Against Voting Rights

Pundits and activists say that because they’ve convinced the public of falsehoods, they must be true. 

May 6, 2012 / Blog / Ben Adler

Americans Elect: The Political eHarmony Americans Elect: The Political eHarmony

Broaden participation through technology is a worthy goal, but American Elect's intention to get beyond partisanship is wearisome.

Mar 10, 2012 / Blog / Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto

The Great Vermont Uprising Against Corporate Personhood The Great Vermont Uprising Against Corporate Personhood

At least sixty-four Vermont communities have now urged Congress to amend the Constitution to overturn the Citizens United ruling. And now the movement is going national.

Mar 8, 2012 / Blog / John Nichols
