
Robert Reich: People Have the Economic Power Robert Reich: People Have the Economic Power

Is Occupy Wall Street becoming more political?

Nov 4, 2011 / Nation in the News / The Nation

Who Are the One Percent? Who Are the One Percent?

Now it is time to put a face on the 1%.

Nov 3, 2011 / Video / The Nation

Nurses Prescribe a White House Rethink on Financial Transactions Tax Nurses Prescribe a White House Rethink on Financial Transactions Tax

National Nurses United and the AFL-CIO have been urging the White House to stop opposing a global financial transactions tax. It’s working.

Nov 3, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Obama Should Stay Focused on Job Creation Katrina vanden Heuvel: Obama Should Stay Focused on Job Creation

Congress is set to vote on President Obama's Job Act today, and the ramifications could be major.

Nov 3, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Smearing Social Security Smearing Social Security

The Washington Post's alarming “news” that Social Security has gone cash negative is not true.

Nov 3, 2011 / Blog / William Greider

America’s Top Corporations Pay Half of Taxes They Owe America’s Top Corporations Pay Half of Taxes They Owe

 A new report details how good major corporations are at taking advantage of the tax code and the political system in Washington. 

Nov 3, 2011 / Blog / George Zornick

Video: Occupy Protesters Shut Down Oakland Port Video: Occupy Protesters Shut Down Oakland Port

Since last week when Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen was critically injured by the police force during a peaceful protest in Oakland, the Northern Californian city has become a focal point for the nationwide Occupy movement. Yesterday, hundreds of Occupy Oakland protesters marched in the General Strike against economic inequality and police brutality. The protesters succeeded in shutting down downtown and the Port of Oakland. Reuters reports. —Jin Zhao

Nov 3, 2011 / Video / Reuters

Too Big to Jail Too Big to Jail

Can we all agree that a $1 billion swindle represents a lot of money? So why isn't former Citigroup Chairman Robert Rubin breaking a sweat?

Nov 3, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Occupy the Ballot: Colorado Voters Reject Corporate Power Occupy the Ballot: Colorado Voters Reject Corporate Power

Boulder votes against corporate personhood, and then they vote to replace their private power supplier with a municipal utility.  

Nov 3, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

How Wall Street Occupied America

How Wall Street Occupied America How Wall Street Occupied America

Why the rich keep getting richer and our democracy is getting poorer.

Nov 2, 2011 / Feature / Bill Moyers
