
A booth at the 2019 Hannover Messe industrial technology trade fair in Lower Saxony, Hannover, on March 31 shows a robot with a white arm. The robot art is against a white background with the words

How Do We Prepare for an AI Future? How Do We Prepare for an AI Future?

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. How do we ensure that’s a good thing?

Jul 26, 2021 / John Feffer


Media Unions Are Challenging the Use of NDAs Media Unions Are Challenging the Use of NDAs

Workers in the industry argue that nondisclosure agreements are a matter of workplace safety, making them “mandatory subjects of bargaining.”

Jul 26, 2021 / Indigo Olivier

The Rescue of the New York Public Library

The Rescue of the New York Public Library The Rescue of the New York Public Library

Activists—and The Nation—thwarted NYPL trustees’ harebrained plans and restored democracy to this vital public institution.

Jul 26, 2021 / Editorial / Scott Sherman

Where Would We Be Without the New Deal?

Where Would We Be Without the New Deal? Where Would We Be Without the New Deal?

A new history charts the forgotten ways the social politics of the Roosevelt years transformed the United States.

Jul 26, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Michael Kazin

Record-Breaking Temperatures Are Sparking Forest Fires

Record-Breaking Temperatures Are Sparking Forest Fires Record-Breaking Temperatures Are Sparking Forest Fires

Climate change is here and now. Action can’t wait.

Jul 23, 2021 / OppArt / Tamara Wyndham

Blue Origin Launch

Billionaires in Space Billionaires in Space

For the world’s richest men, the stars are up for sale.

Jul 23, 2021 / Editorial / A.M. Gittlitz

The Political Brilliance of the American Rescue Plan

The Political Brilliance of the American Rescue Plan The Political Brilliance of the American Rescue Plan

Biden’s stimulus plan took the question of recovery off the table. Now the Democrats can focus on passing large-scale economic reforms.

Jul 23, 2021 / Editorial / Mike Konczal

Closing the Largest Generic Drug Plant in the US Is a Sick Joke

Closing the Largest Generic Drug Plant in the US Is a Sick Joke Closing the Largest Generic Drug Plant in the US Is a Sick Joke

But Joe Manchin’s daughter, a company executive, is laughing all the way to the bank.

Jul 23, 2021 / Laura Flanders

Protesters March Against The Tokyo Olympics

Why Tokyo Turned Against the Olympics Why Tokyo Turned Against the Olympics

The city is the center of a great experiment at a dangerous new phase of the pandemic.

Jul 23, 2021 / Chelsea Szendi Schieder

Ready When You Are

Ready When You Are Ready When You Are

Vaccines equal victory.

Jul 22, 2021 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo and Bill Bramhall
