
Noted Noted

Judith Long on Jane Sharples, Allison Kilkenny on the fight for Philly’s schools

Jan 30, 2013 / Editorial / Various Contributors

‘Zero Dark Thirty’, Snuff Film

‘Zero Dark Thirty’, Snuff Film ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, Snuff Film

The film’s torture scenes do not excuse or glorify torture; they do something worse: draw the audience into accommodating it.

Jan 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / JoAnn Wypijewski

Sarah Palin Will No Longer Be a Paid Commentator on Fox News Sarah Palin Will No Longer Be a Paid Commentator on Fox News

The word that Palin’s off the Fox News teat Will strike so many folks as bittersweet. For many, Palin’s just the sort of gal you Would hire for her entertainment value. Though Palin, Ailes may think, no longer fits, he Might never find a substitute as ditsy.

Jan 30, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Nick Turse: The US Military Regularly Killed Civilians in Vietnam

Nick Turse: The US Military Regularly Killed Civilians in Vietnam Nick Turse: The US Military Regularly Killed Civilians in Vietnam

A new book shows that incidents like the My Lai massacre were part of the widescale killing of non-combatants.

Jan 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Press Room

Safety Net: On Thomas Bernhard and Siegfried Unseld

Safety Net: On Thomas Bernhard and Siegfried Unseld Safety Net: On Thomas Bernhard and Siegfried Unseld

In his writing and life, Thomas Bernhard led a charge in the opposite direction. His publisher always broke his fall.

Jan 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Holly Case

Instructions From Lazarus Instructions From Lazarus

Having risen from the bed, after the ability to stand had been re-established, the gait still adjusting to the shifts of the body’s weight, I found myself in front of the streaked mirror in the hospital room. The halo was dull    in that light, almost brushed in appearance. How saintly of me to wear a halo? I wanted a narrator to say: Here, he models the latest headwear, the finest in German engineering. But James Earl Jones was apparently unavailable.   The pins buried in my skull looked like a nautical device of some kind. But there were no journeys for me to take, just a bed and a room. My nurse’s name was Zar, short for Lazarus. Of course his name was Lazarus. It fits with the   theme of this whole thing. Zar said take it easy, said move slowly and think about each step as if you are learning to walk. But one doesn’t think about each step when learning to walk. We rise, we fumble, we shuffle, we fall.    The wings, buried (thankfully) were just an itch between my shoulder blades, a slight tug on the muscles depending on the way I moved. Each night I prayed to make it out of the hospital before the wings made themselves known again.

Jan 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / C. Dale Young

Diagram This: On Adrienne Rich

Diagram This: On Adrienne Rich Diagram This: On Adrienne Rich

A new collection of Adrienne Rich’s poems does not show her at her best.

Jan 30, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Ange Mlinko

The Russian Optimist: An Interview With Opposition Rocker Yuri Shevchuk

The Russian Optimist: An Interview With Opposition Rocker Yuri Shevchuk The Russian Optimist: An Interview With Opposition Rocker Yuri Shevchuk

The well-known musician talks about the adoption ban, Pussy Riot and the future of the opposition movement.

Jan 27, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Alec Luhn

A Message From Americans to France A Message From Americans to France

“As French troops intervene in Mali, the French take pride in their military capacity and in their independence of action.”                                —The New York Times   We’re pleased to hear you like to intervene. We praise both your commitment and your style. Ourselves, we’ve wearied of this sort of thing. Perhaps you could take over for a while.

Jan 23, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Magna Carter

Magna Carter Magna Carter

Every musical note has life in it. For six decades the composer Elliott Carter imagined that life precisely.

Jan 23, 2013 / Books & the Arts / David Schiff
