Campaigns and Elections

The Populist Moment? The Populist Moment?

Economic populism is the new flavor in politics, but it won't be authentic unless it's driven by and for the people.

Jul 26, 2007 / Editorial / The Editors

Purple America Purple America

Democrats are poised to seize a historic opportunity to win back voters in the South and West they started losing four decades ago.

Jul 25, 2007 / Feature / Bob Moser

YearlyKos Sticks With the Issues YearlyKos Sticks With the Issues

A netroots political convention in Chicago aims to transcend the horse race and let the people, not the media, frame the questions put to candidates.

Jul 18, 2007 / Feature / Ari Melber and Andrea Batista Schlesinger

The Swift-boating of Mitt Romney The Swift-boating of Mitt Romney

Christian conservatives play the porn card in an attempt to discredit Mitt Romney and advance the cause of Fred Thompson.

Jul 16, 2007 / Feature / Max Blumenthal

The Virtual Primary The Virtual Primary's issue-driven primary may not end up naming a winner, but it's shaping up to be more substantive, thoughtful and participatory than the actual presidential primary.

Jul 12, 2007 / Editorial / Ari Melber

Bloomberg’s Day Bloomberg’s Day

Michael Bloomberg doesn't actually have to run for President to tilt the race his way.

Jun 27, 2007 / Editorial / Micah L. Sifry

High Stakes on Health High Stakes on Health

Campaign '08 is heading for a great debate: Will individualized plans or a broad public guarantee of coverage replace our broken corporate system?

Jun 27, 2007 / Editorial / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Robert L. Borosage

Get in It to Win It Get in It to Win It

Front-loaded primaries and a volatile '08 race are creating unprecedented opportunities for progressives. They'll gain traction only if they form a smart, tech-savvy and cohesive m...

Jun 27, 2007 / Editorial / The Editors

Who Is Hillary Clinton? Who Is Hillary Clinton?

A closer look at Hillary Clinton's career reveals a technocratic centrist whose political ambition might trump any progressive policy promises.

Jun 26, 2007 / Editorial / Barbara Ehrenreich

Will the Progressive Majority Emerge? Will the Progressive Majority Emerge?

New polling data shows that the majority of Americans are leaning liberal. How long will it take politicians and the media to get that?

Jun 21, 2007 / Feature / Rick Perlstein
