Armed Conflicts

Ukrainian Armored Vehicle

Four Years of Ukraine and the Myths of Maidan Four Years of Ukraine and the Myths of Maidan

The history of the Ukrainian crisis, which has made everything it affected worse, is distorted by political myths and American media malpractice.

Jan 3, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Marc Raskin

Marcus Raskin, a True Citizen, Will Be Missed Marcus Raskin, a True Citizen, Will Be Missed

Raskin rejected the trappings of high office to create a space that might speak truth to that power. 

Jan 2, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Kurds protest in Turkey

In Turkey, Repression of the Kurdish Language Is Back, With No End in Sight In Turkey, Repression of the Kurdish Language Is Back, With No End in Sight

Since 2015, scores of Kurdish media organizations, associations, language schools, and cultural institutions have been shut down.

Dec 21, 2017 / Constanze Letsch

Russian pedestrians

Why Russians Think ‘America Is Waging War Against Russia’ Why Russians Think ‘America Is Waging War Against Russia’

Russiagaters allege, with no evidence, that “Russia attacked America” in 2016, but many Russians believe—with reasonable cause—that the US has been attacking their country for 25 y...

Dec 20, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Afghan Escalation

There’s One Way That Donald Trump Is No Different From Obama There’s One Way That Donald Trump Is No Different From Obama

New president, same old American wars.

Dec 19, 2017 / Danny Sjursen

US Special Forces in Mali

Donald Trump’s First Year Set a Record for Use of Special Operations Forces Donald Trump’s First Year Set a Record for Use of Special Operations Forces

Elite commandos deployed to 149 countries in 2017.

Dec 14, 2017 / Nick Turse

Perry Pentagon

Amid the Clamor for War in Korea, Here Are Two Voices for Peace Amid the Clamor for War in Korea, Here Are Two Voices for Peace

A former Pentagon chief and a “dialogue practitioner” push for engagement.

Dec 12, 2017 / Tim Shorrock


The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess

Ali Abdullah Saleh’s life is emblematic of the way the bright hopes of Arab nationalism have disintegrated into sectarianism.

Dec 11, 2017 / Juan Cole


In Syria, ‘Reconciliation’ Is Bleak In Syria, ‘Reconciliation’ Is Bleak

The people of Moadamiya and Daraya were once a legend of the resistance, but today we feel like we’ve been forgotten by the world.

Dec 7, 2017 / Humam Moadamani

Pakistan Drone Protest

In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, Collective Punishment Is the Law of the Land In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, Collective Punishment Is the Law of the Land

Civilians here, who live under an outdated colonial regime, have been terrorized by US drone strikes and extremist Islamists for many years.

Dec 6, 2017 / Umar Farooq
