
Students raise their fists

A New Generation Against the Bomb A New Generation Against the Bomb

What the burgeoning youth-led fight against gun violence can learn from the global antinuclear movement.

Apr 27, 2018 / Ray Acheson

The Very Specific 2006-ishness of Those Alleged Joy Reid Posts

The Very Specific 2006-ishness of Those Alleged Joy Reid Posts The Very Specific 2006-ishness of Those Alleged Joy Reid Posts

I don’t know if Reid wrote the posts in question, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she, or any liberal blogger at the time, had.

Apr 27, 2018 / Richard Kim

PHOTOS: These Students Are Sick and Tired of Gun Violence

PHOTOS: These Students Are Sick and Tired of Gun Violence PHOTOS: These Students Are Sick and Tired of Gun Violence

“That could be me, my friends, my family.”

Apr 26, 2018 / Photo Essay / Tracie Williams

Ensaf Haidar and Raif Badawi

This Saudi Blogger Called for Modernization. So Has the Crown Prince. So Why Is the Blogger in Jail? This Saudi Blogger Called for Modernization. So Has the Crown Prince. So Why Is the Blogger in Jail?

If Mohammed bin Salman truly wants to promote freedom of expression, he must release Raif Badawi.

Apr 26, 2018 / Column / Katha Pollitt

March Madness

Battling the NCAA in the Court Battling the NCAA in the Court

Legal analyst Michael McCann stops by to talk about the NCAA and Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case against the NFL.

Apr 25, 2018 / Audio / Dave Zirin

Can the ACLU Remake Itself as a Mass Movement for Progressive Change?

Can the ACLU Remake Itself as a Mass Movement for Progressive Change? Can the ACLU Remake Itself as a Mass Movement for Progressive Change?

Through a new “People Power” initiative, the country’s oldest civil-liberties organization wants to go beyond the courts—and into the streets.

Apr 25, 2018 / Feature / Dale Maharidge

The Selfless Servant Leadership of the African-American Women of the Civil-Rights Movement

The Selfless Servant Leadership of the African-American Women of the Civil-Rights Movement The Selfless Servant Leadership of the African-American Women of the Civil-Rights Movement

These women didn’t stand on ceremony; they accepted the risks of activism and fought for worlds where others might have freedoms that they themselves would never enjoy.

Apr 25, 2018 / Feature / Janet Dewart Bell

No Muslim Ban

As the Muslim Ban Goes Before SCOTUS, Share the Stories of Its Victims As the Muslim Ban Goes Before SCOTUS, Share the Stories of Its Victims

You can also support farmworkers and domestic workers fighting sexual harassment in their workplaces and get your community registered to vote.

Apr 24, 2018 / no-paywall / NationAction

Minimum wage protest

Will Democrats Have an Antidote to Trump’s Fake Populism? Will Democrats Have an Antidote to Trump’s Fake Populism?

The old ideas have failed, big-money politics has been exposed as corrupted, and the battle on what comes next is joined.

Apr 24, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Gun-Control Activist Helped Plan the March for Our Lives. Now She’s Running for Congress.

This Gun-Control Activist Helped Plan the March for Our Lives. Now She’s Running for Congress. This Gun-Control Activist Helped Plan the March for Our Lives. Now She’s Running for Congress.

Lucy McBath, whose son was shot and killed in 2012, has jumped into the primary to take on Karen Handel in Georgia’s sixth district.

Apr 20, 2018 / Joan Walsh
