US Military

How the VA Abandons Our Vets How the VA Abandons Our Vets

Injured veterans continue their battles at home while fighting for the healthcare treatment they deserve.

Aug 27, 2008 / Feature / Joshua Kors

Who’s Knuckle-bumping Now? Who’s Knuckle-bumping Now?

It's catching on! What does it mean?

Jun 25, 2008 / Column / Ward Sutton

Democrats Wrong on B-2 Project Democrats Wrong on B-2 Project

An Air Force contract to build an obsolete B-2 refueling tanker has suddenly become a campaign issue--and the Democrats are on the wrong side.

Jun 25, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer

Meet the New Dr. Strangelove Meet the New Dr. Strangelove

His name is David Kilcullen, an Australian academic and military veteran, who seeks to impose a mad science of counterinsurgency on Iraq.

Jun 20, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

Empire or Republic? Empire or Republic?

Imagine the benefits if we could make significant cutbacks in military spending.

Jun 12, 2008 / Editorial / Robert Scheer

Geeks and Hackers, Uncle Sam’s Cyber Force Wants You! Geeks and Hackers, Uncle Sam’s Cyber Force Wants You!

Part of the Air Force's new "above all" vision of full-spectrum dominance, America's emerging cyber force has control fantasies that would impress George Orwell.

Jun 5, 2008 / Feature / William J. Astore

Dollar-Driven Recruiting Dollar-Driven Recruiting

The Department of Defense has dramatically increased its military recruitment budget, but where will the troops come from?

May 16, 2008 / Feature / Allen McDuffee

McCain Sells Out Vets McCain Sells Out Vets

There's little evidence that John McCain will do anything, if elected, to repair the damage the Bush Administration has done to veterans' healthcare.

May 15, 2008 / Editorial / Brian Beutler

Gitmo in Disarray Gitmo in Disarray

Ethical conflicts and judicial dysfunction cloud the military commissions system at Guantánamo.

May 8, 2008 / Editorial / Ross Tuttle

Real Clear Numbers: 101,000 US Casualties a Year Real Clear Numbers: 101,000 US Casualties a Year

The psychological wounds of war will be with us for years to come.

Apr 24, 2008 / Beat the Devil / Alexander Cockburn
