Student loans

Student Loan Forgiveness Protest

’Tis the Season to Talk About Student Debt Cancellation ’Tis the Season to Talk About Student Debt Cancellation

If your family has questions about Biden’s student loan debt relief over the holidays, here’s how you can respond. 

Dec 15, 2022 / StudentNation / Ian Franza and Sean Tonra

Student Debt and Democracy

Student Debt and Democracy Student Debt and Democracy

On this week's episode of The Time of Monsters, Astra Taylor joins the show to discuss the politics and morality of debt.

Nov 2, 2022 / Audio / Jeet Heer

AmeriCorps Public Service Program

Biden Should Invest in Communities, Not More Community Service Biden Should Invest in Communities, Not More Community Service

AmeriCorps pays less than minimum wage for anti-poverty work. With a million unfilled public sector jobs, why not create a program that actually addresses our needs?

Oct 20, 2022 / StudentNation / Paige Oamek

Biden Rural Americans

Student Debt Cancellation Will Help Rural Communities Too Student Debt Cancellation Will Help Rural Communities Too

Critics of Biden's forgiveness plan falsely call it a wealth transfer to the “urban elite.” In 2020, nearly 6.5 million rural Americans owed an average of $35,000 in student loan d...

Sep 27, 2022 / StudentNation / Reed Cleland

Hurricane Ida Makes Landfall In Louisiana Leaving Devastation In Its Wake

No, America Doesn’t Actually Need “Sacrifice Zones” No, America Doesn’t Actually Need “Sacrifice Zones”

Their suffering is not for the greater good.

Sep 22, 2022 / Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

UMass Tuition Protest

Colleges Are in Debt, but Students Pay for It Colleges Are in Debt, but Students Pay for It

Cuts to public funding have passed universities’ financial burden on to students through rising tuition and fees. Should President Biden cancel campus debt too?

Sep 7, 2022 / StudentNation / Sarah Holtz

Two dozen people rally in from of the White House carrying signs to

President Biden’s Debt Relief Is Just the First Step President Biden’s Debt Relief Is Just the First Step

Now that the president has canceled student debt once, he can do it again.

Sep 6, 2022 / Editorial / Eleni Schirmer for The Nation

Four student loan borrowers stage a rally holding signs in front of The White House to celebrate President Biden’s canceling student debt

Biden’s Debt Relief Is Actually a Victory for Left Organizing Biden’s Debt Relief Is Actually a Victory for Left Organizing

The former “senator from MBNA” didn’t deliver student debt relief out of the goodness of his heart—but in response to a long, well-organized campaign.

Aug 29, 2022 / Jeet Heer

Demonstrators demand President Biden cancel student loan debt outside the White House.

Joe Biden’s $10,000 Student Debt Cancellation Is a Huge Win—but It’s Not Enough Joe Biden’s $10,000 Student Debt Cancellation Is a Huge Win—but It’s Not Enough

It’s time to make higher education a true public good, with free-college legislation.

Aug 24, 2022 / Suzanne Kahn

Student Debt Cancellation

What’s Next for the Student Debt Cancellation Movement? What’s Next for the Student Debt Cancellation Movement?

With President Biden announcing his decision on student debt relief soon, advocates for forgiveness are ready to celebrate, reflect, and continue the fight.

Aug 10, 2022 / StudentNation / StudentNation
