Donald Trump

Take Action Now: No War With Iran

Take Action Now: No War With Iran Take Action Now: No War With Iran

Protest endless war, learn about the situation in Iran, and work towards peace at home and abroad.

Jan 7, 2020 / no-paywall / NationAction

US Warships near Korean Peninsula

The 2010s Were a Decade of Imperial Overreach. Trump Is Making It Worse. The 2010s Were a Decade of Imperial Overreach. Trump Is Making It Worse.

Historically, such an approach does not end well, and there is ample evidence that Trump’s foreign policy is failing nearly everywhere.

Jan 7, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’

If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’ If Americans Die in the Escalating Iran Crisis, Remember That Mike Pompeo Called It ‘a Little Noise’

His shilling for Trump’s war crimes makes Rumsfeld and Cheney look… well, as awful as ever. But he’s trying to join their ranks.

Jan 7, 2020 / Joan Walsh

Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution

Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution Congress, Don’t Stop at Passing a Strong War Powers Resolution

Block war funding, revoke AUMFs, move to renew the Iran nuclear deal, and hold Trump to account.

Jan 6, 2020 / John Nichols

Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran

Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran Congress Must Check and Balance Trump to Avert War With Iran

“Our nation must avoid another endless war in 2020 and the potential senseless loss of millions of lives,” says Congressional Progressive Caucus cochair Mark Pocan.

Jan 3, 2020 / John Nichols

Who Will Stop Trump’s War on Iran?

Who Will Stop Trump’s War on Iran? Who Will Stop Trump’s War on Iran?

The assassination of a top Iranian military commander could cause the conflict to spiral out of control.

Jan 3, 2020 / Jeet Heer

NY City Hall Rally Fast Food Workers

Trump Will Claim Credit for a Robust Economy. This Is How We Fight Back. Trump Will Claim Credit for a Robust Economy. This Is How We Fight Back.

The most prosperous regions are controlled by Democrats and are benefiting because of Democratic policies, while Trumplandia is lagging.

Jan 3, 2020 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Madam Secretary, RIP

Madam Secretary, RIP Madam Secretary, RIP

Because in the Age of Trump, even centrists have dreams.

Jan 2, 2020 / Danny Goldberg

AOC Tells Democrats How to Get It Right in 2020

AOC Tells Democrats How to Get It Right in 2020 AOC Tells Democrats How to Get It Right in 2020

“For anyone who accuses us for instituting purity tests,” she says, “it’s called having values. It’s called, giving a damn.”

Jan 1, 2020 / John Nichols

Mick Mulvaney and Trump

The Impeachment Deadlock Is an Opportunity Democrats Should Seize The Impeachment Deadlock Is an Opportunity Democrats Should Seize

The longer Senate Republicans block a fair Senate trial, the more Democrats can hammer home how the scandal implicates Trump’s defenders.

Dec 31, 2019 / Jeet Heer
