Defense contractors

Lloyd Austin

Civilian Control Means More Than Just Wearing a Suit to Work Civilian Control Means More Than Just Wearing a Suit to Work

Substantive civilian control means ensuring that the pursuit of security aligns with the preservation of liberty at home.

Dec 14, 2020 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Want to Know Who Influences US Foreign Policy? Follow the Money.

Want to Know Who Influences US Foreign Policy? Follow the Money. Want to Know Who Influences US Foreign Policy? Follow the Money.

The defense contractors and foreign governments funding think tanks are pushing for a foreign-policy consensus reliant on weapons and war.

Nov 20, 2020 / Cassandra Stimpson and Holly Zhang

USS Florida

Congress Could Rubber-Stamp a Defense Spending Spree Congress Could Rubber-Stamp a Defense Spending Spree

The Trump administration wants missiles, and pushback will require immediate action.

Jul 2, 2020 / Tristan Guyette and William D. Hartung

How the Military-Industrial Complex Is Using the Coronavirus

How the Military-Industrial Complex Is Using the Coronavirus How the Military-Industrial Complex Is Using the Coronavirus

Arms industry lobbyists are addressing this pandemic and preparing for the next by pushing weapons sales.

Apr 17, 2020 / William D. Hartung and Benjamin Freeman

Air Power Demonstration

Trump Has Stolen the Anti-War Mantle. Here’s How to Get It Back. Trump Has Stolen the Anti-War Mantle. Here’s How to Get It Back.

His claims about wanting to “end endless US wars” are lies—but they’re effective, because the massive anti-war movement that we need is missing in action.

Nov 4, 2019 / Phyllis Bennis

The Pentagon

Pentagon Officials Are Promising to Spend Money More Efficiently. They’re Lying. Pentagon Officials Are Promising to Spend Money More Efficiently. They’re Lying.

We can’t expect the Pentagon to serve taxpayers first unless long-standing ties to private defense contractors are undone.

Sep 26, 2019 / William D. Hartung and Mandy Smithberger

A Luxury Facility for Military Contractors Endangers Afghan Civilians

A Luxury Facility for Military Contractors Endangers Afghan Civilians A Luxury Facility for Military Contractors Endangers Afghan Civilians

The recent attack at Kabul’s Green Village illustrates how private contractors turn communities into targets.

Sep 6, 2019 / Mohammed Harun Arsalai and Mohsin Khan Momand

Department of Defense ground missile launch

The Pentagon’s New Missile Drive Is Bringing Armageddon Closer The Pentagon’s New Missile Drive Is Bringing Armageddon Closer

Washington is withdrawing from the INF treaty not because of Russian violations but because the Pentagon wants to deploy a dangerous new class of its own nukes.

Aug 30, 2019 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare

Lockheed F-35 Jet Australia

Defense Contractors Are Tightening Their Grip on Our Government Defense Contractors Are Tightening Their Grip on Our Government

A planned merger between Raytheon and United Technologies will only further consolidate a bloated military-industrial complex.

Jul 16, 2019 / William D. Hartung


Pentagon Spending Is a Poor Job Creator Pentagon Spending Is a Poor Job Creator

The Trump administration touts weapons spending as the best way to bolster the American economy. It’s not.

Mar 22, 2019 / William D. Hartung
