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September 15, 2003 Issue
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Women’s Voices
Through the corporate media's electronic collage of murders, sex scandals, celebrity sightings and Pentagon-generated fantasy can be heard a constant buzz--"war, terror, sec...
Kathy Boudin’s Time
Kathy Boudin's parole from Bedford Hills Correctional Facility after twenty-two years is welcome and overdue.
The Tragedy of Iraq
With the August 19 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, and with the deaths of twenty-three people so far--including the chief of the UN mission, Sergio Vi...
Handmaid in Babylon: The UN’s Decline and Fall
"One has to be careful," said United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in late August, "not to confuse the UN with the US." If the Secretary General had taken his own adv...
Books & the Arts
Bull’s Eye
This was the summer when the movies were so bad, people were reduced to complaining about a Mel Gibson film they hadn't seen.
Regarding the Pain of Others
In Plato's Republic, Socrates illustrates his theory of the parts of the soul with the story of Leontius, who saw some corpses rotting outside the walls of Athens and...
Swing Time for Hitler
It is of some small comfort that totalitarian regimes are never quite as total as either their leaders or subsequent historians might imagine.
The Life of the Party
Interesting Times is a curiously feeble title for an autobiography, rather as if Noam Chomsky were to write an article called "Could America Do Better?"...